My brother just sent me a text. He is coming back from Salu today. The coach didnt turn up this morning, he is now in a taxi trying to get to the airport but will probably miss his flight. He booked through CO-OP travel agent.
Am I right in assuming that they have not fulfilled their contract to him by not providing transport to the airport that was paid for?
Does anyone know where he stands if he does miss the flight?
thanks again
This happened to us last year and this February.
On both occasions we contacted the rep emergency number that was given to us.
Once the bus had broken down and the other they had missed us off the list.
On both occasions the problem was solved with the telephone call.
Did he make the call?
yeah he rang them to no avail, coulndt get hold of them. he has had to arrange a taxi for himself. There are 17 other people in the same situation. He is just hoping he gets the flight because I think there are only a few a week to belfast.
I would say ears will be burning in the travel agents before the end of the week.

Hi allymc - I had this happen to me in Tunisia several years ago when we had taken our neighbour's children on holiday. I rang the Panorama emergency number and was told that someone would get back to me - they didn't, so I eventually bribed a taxi driver to break every speed limit to get us to Monastir. The Panorama Hospitality Desk for the area was actually in our hotel - The Kanta - and I had checked that all was OK and had been assured that it was - all names on the list etc. and during the conversation was told that all flights for the next 3 weeks were full as it was a Bank Holiday - hence my panic. The taxi driver just made it 'Bless him' and was happy with the contents of my wallet, but it was so very stressful for us all - especially the children. I wrote to Panorama when I returned home and was sent an apology - but no explanation - and exactly the cost of the transfer. Will never us them again. Do hope that he made the flight OK. All best - Jenny x
It's not worth risking your lives for though! Especially with someone elses children!

Just a quick update. He got to the airport in time for his flight. Cost 42 euros in a taxi. He got this refunded at the airport.
I am in the process of writing him a complaint letter now. Claiming for compensation as they have clearly breached the contract agreed.

Will keep yous all informed of how this pans out.
Sorry compensation for what? You say he got his €42 back so he hasn't actually suffered any losses to claim for.
The contract states transfers to and from accomodation. If he wanted to arrange his own tranfers he would not of paid the travel agent for this service.
To break it down its like buying a newspaper and you only get half of it even though you paid for the whole thing.

compensation what for,
it was a mistake, an error, and your brother got his money back.
Now if he had missed his flight then, i would agree,
and this is why things are so expensive, the claim, claim claim society
and i guess you will be claiming for the stamp that you will be putting on the letter.
and if i bought a paper and there was only half of it, i would take it back, and exchange it for another.

Bottom line they failed to deliver what they were paid to do. Talked to the travel agent and they agreed and advised to put everything in writing and take it to them. So in reference to you asking if I will be claiming for the stamp the answer is no, it will be hand delivered

Who do you think is going to pay for the compensation and legal fees, the administration of it etc?
Bottom dollar will be that it is going to be us - the ones booking holidays, in the form of increased prices next year.
With all means, seek compensation for genuine instances but to seek compensation for the sake of compensation may well result in delay of compensation for those genuine needing it. Each claim needs investigating and being dealt with after all.
My 2p worth with Mod hat off.

Why the heck would you want to claim in these circumstances? Alls well that ends well.
I would have to agree. I've seen quite a few complaints about transfers and I've not seen one where they have held their hands up to it being their and refunded them the taxi fare at the airport. Mostly we hear about them trying to wriggle out of it.
As for your paper analogy, well I do sometimes get delivered the wrong paper - the lad who delivers it has his head in the clouds most mornings! But I just phone the shop up and the mistake is remedied by him either being sent back with the correct one at the end of his round or if it's of a weekend and I've had a lie-in with the result that he's gone home (and back to his bed I suspect!) before I've got up then I walk the 100 yds to the shop and swap it. Yes, I do want the correct paper and I do want all of it (many's the Sunday he's forgotten one or other supplement etc) but that doesn't mean that I'm also entitled to anything more than the correct paper and all the different sections of it. A mistake is made and rectified at no loss to me - end of story. The newsagent would think it ludicrous if I tried to argue that he was 'in breach of contract' and I was entitled to a discount on my paper bill just because an airheaded paperboy had muddled the order.
No wonder package holidays are becoming so expensive if TOs are expected to factor in an extra amount to cover compensation claims like this. Just how much does your brother want to be compensated for for the arduous task of calling a taxi? Of course we should expect mistakes to be rectified and this one was and a lot more promptly than many another case we read about on this forum - end of story.
So in saying that you are admitting that you would not be happy nor would you accept the paper
No i wouldn't be happy,with half a paper, and i wouldn't accept the paper, i would take it back to the shop, and ask for an exchange. I wouldn't be asking for compensation for it.
Basically the same situation
yes it is the same, your brothers problem was sorted, and your brother didn't miss his flight, and he was not out of pocket. End of story, well it seems it would be for most people, or the people that have posted after me.
Talked to the travel agent and they agreed and advised to put everything in writing
I bet that they did, cause they probably couldn't be bothered to go through it with you, there just passing the buck.
so pull the lip in with your claim claim claim society rant
You came on this site, and asked for opinions, well not everyone is going to agree with you, and yes the claim claim claim society we are today, bugs me, and yes i'm honest your claim, for whatever you are claiming for bugs me.
Claims should be for the more deserving of our society, the lads n lasses who are out there fighting for a better world for us, not for error of some travel company.
You won't be the 1st and you by no means will be the last.
I am in the process of writing him a complaint letter now. Claiming for compensation as they have clearly breached the contract agreed.
So the aggrieved party is not the one who is seeking compensation but yourself.
Here on HT we are asked for advice and assistance for genuine problems.
This obviously is not one of those occasions.
I agree with all thats been said. Apart from "the claims post" How many of us have been away without some problem once or twice? Just put it down to experience. Nobody has lost anything from this. Ok, it was stressfull at the time. They`re home now. Safe and sound and lost nothing. Just leave it, move on.
He isnt out of pocket so I think you have little hope of compensation.
fwh wrote:
Here on HT we are asked for advice and assistance for genuine problems.
This obviously is not one of those occasions.
If you would take the time to read the whole post you will see at the beginning I asked for advice. As a lot seem to think I am some sort of a money grabber I aint. I dont need nor want the money. My brother has asked me to do this for him and I am. I happen to agree with him but maybe that is because we are family. I dont want any personal comments towards me or grouping me into a "TYPE OF PEOPLE" scenario.
end of rant...............
I take all your advice on board and understand where you are all coming from and what you are saying. This post started for advice when the situation was happening, he has now told me of other things as I was on the phone to him to get the whole story. It goes beyond the coach, i.e Safety (as stated above)
I thank you all for your time and would appreciate the advice coming, all good and bad.![]()
and wicked chris as for your comment
wickedchris wrote:Claims should be for the more deserving of our society
you dont know me so judge not lest ye be judged

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