In the evenings the main show started at 9.30 for 1 hour, we saw Grease,
Mammia Mia , Beauty and the beast, along with some circus type shows, they were all ok for hotel based entertainment. At the pool bar there was always a band, then the nightclub opened at 11pm, they had foam parties, black and white night etc. But when my Husband went one night there were only about 6 people there!
You cannot walk to Belek, but there was a tractor train to take you to the village, couple of bars but no clubs and we only went in the day as we have a 2 year old!
The hotel is mainly Russian/Germans, not many brits.
During the day there were plenty of watersports, water polo, aquasize etc going on.
When we went it was mainly familys and couple's so as long as you don't want lively night life , you should be ok.
Hope this helps.