July 2007. As we entered I noticed half of the tables were empty. A young female
member of staff welcomed us with a smile and asked how many, I said '4 please'.
She walked over to a counter and asked an older lady 'table for 4?'. The older
lady looked at us dismissively and barked 'outside'. We were guided through the
restaurant, through a conservatory with tables and on out to the patio. It had
large umbrellas overhead but still a biting wind swept up and quickly left us
Another family was outside with small children, they had come from Scotland and
they too expressed dismay at how cold they felt. I popped outside to the car to
bring in duffle coats and warm trousers for the children. Noticeably half the
tables were still empty inside and the only children I spotted were english
teenagers in the near empty conservatory.
My husband ordered mussels which he said tasted very nice but I had ordered a
pizza with pepperoni on it and somehow I ate a mouthful of uncooked fish. I was
really disgusted and wanted to go and complain about the whole ordeal but my
husband stopped me (he hates any fuss!). As we left I pointed out to him half
the interior tables were still empty. The only people in there were adults,
quite warm and relaxed.
Therefore I got the distinct impression small children are not welcome and I
suspect particularly if you have an Irish or Scottish accent.