ive noticed a huge increase in the flights for this year, when we went to letoonia i booked the accommodation through somewhere2stay.com used some of my airmiles too, its certainly worth pricing up diy prices, as it did work out about £200 cheaper for a week for us
just had a quick look and from say the 15th sept in a bungalow for 2 weeks for 2 people travel republic is 1216, so if you could get some cheapish flights then you should do it for around the price you usually pay, try easy jet think their prices arent too bad and they have a special discount on if you put in NEWUK, they only fly from gatwick though . good luck let us know how you get on
Majesty Club Tuana Park Hotel is only £683 and ive heard good reports about that all inc 5*
and lykia world is only 1045 full board+ 4-5* ,
having stayed at both letoonia and lykia world, lykia world is better, fab place definitely worth a try, the only advantage of letoonia is getting free drinks 24 hrs but if your not a big drinker then lykia wins and beer, wine is included with meals til about 9-10 pm approx,in my opinion lykia is better because the area is nicer, food better,rooms better, more to do etc, more pools, generally nicer complex on the whole, although i did love letoonia, lykia world is much better