Italy, Rivieras and Islands Discussion Forums

Discussions regarding holidays in Italy, Rivieras and Islands.
I am going to the exact same places you are, in 2 weeks. The only other thing for safety I can think of is not to wear tons of jewellery or look as if you have a bob or two and maybe the pickpockets will leave you alone!
The cities you will be visiting have a very low level of criminality, mainly pickpocketing, either by slitting open your bags without you realising it, or the more violent way where one or two people on a bike will approach from behind and snatch your belongings.
Like anywhere in the world, tourists are more at risk than locals from this type of crime as they are less likely to defend themselves... or to know where the thug lives!
Keep your maps away, do your homework before leaving the hotel and try to keep the number of items you are carrying on you to a minimum. A lady wearing stilettos and carrying 3 large cameras around the neck is less likely to give chase than someone with a pair of trainers and a pocket camera. Observe the locals, the way the dress and behave in public places, do they leave their mobile phones and bags on an outdoor bar table or do they wear a coat and carry an umbrella on a hot and sunny day?
In short, common sense applies even when on holiday, don't do the things you wouldn't do in your own country.
I agree with Venice, Tuscany has a very low level of crime compared to the larger cities, I lived in Florence for 12 years and never had a problem, but yes the tourists and the elderly are the main targets, so keep your belongings close to you and your wallets in your front pockets, be very careful on crowded buses or trains as they are a favourite for the pickpockets. I think London is far worse than Tuscany. Hope you have a great time and I am sure you will.

Thank you Paula & Venice for your advice, you have said mainly what I suspected, we take very good care with security any way, and I even have a large safety pin that I put tight through the opening of my pocket that my wallet is in when we are on holiday, this obviously prevents anyone from getting there hand in side my pocket, when we were last in Italy we were very aware of thieves on scooters who were obviously looking for bags to snatch, my wife never carries a handbag on holiday and we always have sealed back packs, do you think this would deter a would be scooter bag snatcher ?.

Thanks again for all of your help

This is probably too late as you said you were going in a few weeks, but thought I'd share my experience for anyone else who's worried.

I've just recently been to Rome where apparently the pickpocketing is some of the worst you'll get in the country, mainly due to the huge volume of tourists. Neither me nor my boyfriend had a problem either being scared of pickpocketers or walking around at night. We went down to the Colosseum on our last night, and it felt quite safe, I didn't feel threatened at all, despite the darkness. Apparently the Termini Railway Station isn't so great to be around at night, so if specific places are mentioned, then it's probably best not to go there, or if you do, be very careful.

Rome was so busy by some sights that it would be very easy to steal something, especially when you're off-guard, but as long as you're careful, e.g. putting your wallet/purse away as soon as you've used it, not having them in your pockets, I think you'll be absolutely fine! If you're worried about bag snatchers on scooters etc, just make sure your bag is not on the road side, or wear a back pack on both shoulders. I wore a drawstring bag for the whole holiday - it was so heavy I'd have liked to have seen anyone attempt to take it... Seriously though, it's absolutely fine if you're careful and use your common sense. I was more scared at Kings Cross and Gatwick than Rome!

Hayley xx
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