Beware I have just received my order consisting of three pairs of crocs, two childrens disney style and one adult. Before I could lay my hands on them I had a ransome note from Parcelforce. I had ordered my crocs from Taylorshoes in the US and they were a right bargain. $29.99 and no tax per pair. I paid for Priority International Mail @ $32, this still made them only about £20 per pair.
Taylor Shoes use UPS as a carrier from the US but once it hits our shores it then goes via British Mail Rip Off - Parcelforce. They charged £7.69 VAT (not actually payable on childrens shoes) and then £8 Parcelforce clearing fee. This is to cover the cost of admin, cost of a man having to go to the IR building (despite the fact that they are actually in the same building!!).
I realise that I am liable for the VAT on the adult shoes (although I do not consider shoes to be a luxury more a necessity)
I am sick and tired of being ripped off in this country. I absoulutely hate it! I am tired of the scum that are allowed to exist here, who think its there god given right to steal what they want rather than work for it like I have to do. Or expect to be given it whilst they sit around on their fat backsides. Sorry I know this is the crocs thread but this is the icing on the cake of an already hideous year the story of which is best kept for another forum.
Back to the crocs. I have ordered for myself a size 7 (US (), now I am a person that wears mules, birkenstocks etc all the time. I find with these though that to keep them on I end up with my toes stubbing the end despite have plenty of room at the back. Any suggestions.
I've ordered Crocs from Taylor Shoes in USA and have never had to pay anything on receipt of delivery. I don't understand this at all.

Chin up, and try to keep smiling.

Kaz, have you queried this with either Taylor's or UPS themselves. Both should be experienced with delivering to the UK and will tell you if Parcelforce are entitled to add extra charges for delivery- any delivery charges would you have thought been included in what you paid to Taylors. It does seem odd- I've had stuff from the states and have never paid anything over and above the retailers delivery charge.
I did a quick check on the Internet and there have been masses of complaints about Parcelforce making this charge but nothing has been done.
I haven't written to Taylor shoes yet but I will, have already paid though because I wanted the crocs for our holiday.
Nice pair of purple ones going on Ebay though as definitely too small.
I've had experience of paying UPS before now for goods imported from US but the extra handling charge from DHL is a mickey take!
The supplier would always send the items seperately to avoid any problems with import taxes and they all arrived within a day of each other via the Royal Mail.
He was a wise guy and knew how to beat the system

I buy my son's converse all stars from USA, usually a few pair at a time and have never had to pay any thing else on delivery. They always arrive via UPS as stated by the seller. Think the Royal Mail are a bunch of rip off merchants who are out for all they can get.
Had a reply from Taylor to say that they use United States Mail not UPS which is why it goes via parcelforce this side. They said that UPS, FEDEX work out really expensive but my experience is that it has been twice as much to use the postal services.
It was dress down day at work today and I wore my Crocs. My boss told me that he'd heard that Crocs can be used as a buoyancy aid in the water. By putting your arms through the straps they act like arm bands!
I may try that as I have been having swimming lessons for donkeys years!.As mine are only copies I may cut a pair up(I have 5 pairs) and stick them down my costume!.
Let us know how you get on Jay - with the floating, and your enhanced chest.
I wore mine when in Olu Deniz last summer and went snorkeling in the lagoon and my little feet kept popping to the top while I was fish spying, so when I wanted to go under water and kick to venture down it was very hard work as my feet and crocs wanted to stay on the top!

They are great for a beach that is a bit shingely but I do think they look funny but they are very comfy.

Here are our Crocs "swimming"
When I shove my foot to the end so toes touch I have a gap at my heel of about 2 cm's or more. Does this sound correct or should I have a lot more room than that.
Thanks but now I am unhappy because they are definitely too small, when I have my toes just touching the front I have only about 1/4 inch at the back. Going by their rules I should have a minimum of 1/2 inch if my toes are pushed to the front.
If you enter 46FF6 you get 5% discount and the crocs are already cheaper at £25 with free delivery. I also ordered a jibbit so my total cost was £25.18.
At least this way I won't get stung for parcelforce charges again. My Taylor ones worked out at £25.88 per pair once the charges were added.
This time I have ordered an 8 though my uk 7's are going on ebay.
The only thing was with this site was limited stock but if you are not in a tearing hurry they will email you when your colour comes in. Having said that I quite fancied the celery colour which was in stock in my size.

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