ps...take a few bin bags with will have wet or damp towels ect to bring home if your kids are anything like mine were....and its no problem if you put in bin bags in your cases ....get plastic storage boxes to put pops ect in case ...
about the euro
I think pound will slowly get stronger...but wont be any big hikes this year should be much better....If I wasnt going to my sons wedding in Greece this year I wouldnt have bothered...only going for a week and not all the family leaving it till next year for proper family hols...going camping and making best use of my caravan this year...
Just now the pound is basically level with the euro...weve come clean about all the mess the banks have got us into...and its affecting the pound and our industry...and people are coming out work...but we are an exporting industrial nation and also export in other ways ie insurance ect....we will go through murky 12 months....but the weak pound makes our exports cheaper especially the invisible exports like insurance expertise ect ....our weak pound will also atract more foreign visitors spending money our economy needs ...its more the lack of loan cash pulling industry down...when this gets sorted things will get better and the stock markets will rise and the pound will get stronger...
On the other hand the rest of europe has not been as forthcoming or open about how much mess they are really in yet....A lot of the euro zone is heavily reliant on holiday makers ,and there are lots of bussineses linked one way or another to the holiday trade....this year the strong euro will prevent lots of British holiday makers going to the eurozone ...lots will holiday at home in Britain instead...lots of foriegn holiday makers wishing to see europe will come to Britain instead as well because they get more for their money with a weak pound....the euro will weaken just as the pound has....which will redress the balance between the pound and the euro....
So next year there will also be plenty of good deals I think to encourage back the holiday trade they have lost....roll on next year