Where are you travelling to? Chances are you will be refused travel as there are large penalties to airlines who carry any passenger with a 'defaced' passport. It depends where you are going and how severe the damage is.
thanks for that, flying to amsterdam - passport is in pretty poor state, it's the back of the photo bit i'm worried about cos it looks like someone has tampered with it.
This si only Tuesday so there is time for you to get a new one. Phone the passport office and make an appointment right away.
minimum of one week for damaged or lost passports! phoned newport up already
I take it you didn't see the Airline program the other day. A chap was refused boarding with a passport whice sounds exacatly like yours. Best get it sorted PDQ if you wish to fly.
Have you any other photographic ID as if you are travelling within EU thay may accept this in conjunction with your passport
Don't risk the chance of being refused. Don't call the passport office for an appointment, just go there straightaway. They will usually see to you if you are prepared to wait - roughly about 4 hours. It will also cost you around £100 for the passport. However because yours is damaged they may ask you to have a photograph countersigned so get everything prepared before you go and just sit it out! THere are people who manage to get a replacement in one day just by turning up.
I take it you didn't see the Airline program the other day. A chap was refused boarding with a passport whice sounds exacatly like yours. Best get it sorted PDQ if you wish to fly.
Yes, I saw that episode. I'd get it replaced if I were you as the airline were adamant the passenger was not able to board.

A friend of mine put her passport through the washing machine. she put it in airing cupboard to dry and it was fine. she went to america with it last year. No bother at all. I'd try drying it out and see what it's like. You MIGHT be ok. I'd fill forms in and get photo counter signed though just in case.
The best advice has been given, get to the passport office straight away.
You could always take a chance, but if you are refused passage then you have lost out on a holiday.
And it's always worth remembering that even if you are allowed to board your outward flight you could very well have problems boarding for your return flights or at passport control here when you try to re-enter the UK with a damaged passport that looks as if it could have been tampered with. Being detained by Passport and Immigration for hours would not be a good end to your trip.
Would be nice to know what happened on this one as the date of the flight has long gone.
User name isn't familiar so am assuming that OP found this site by using Google or similar search engine.

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