Tabby... as I clearly said, I have no knowledge of the original thread or about anything against the Welsh. My argument is against permitting anything to be said and then claiming the right to freedom of speech. My argument is against those forums that have degenerated into cess-pits of hate and racism. My argument is in favour of a controlled, but warm and friendly forum. What had that got to do with my abilities as a hotelier ?
Did I say that all-inclusive guests are obnoxious ? Definitely not.
I said...
mass market, cheap all-inclusive packages offered by huge resort hotels attracts the worst type of clientel from all nationalities and so, often a few obnoxious people will spoil the stay for the many other guests
A few.
Are you one of the few, Tabby. I am sure not. But I am sure you will agree that in such all inclusive environments one will always get a few louts, regardless of nationality, who are ill-mannered, badly behaved and / or get blind drunk.
It seems to me, that if my opinion is not the same as yours, then its fair game to attack my hotel-keeping abilities.
Furthermore, for the record, I too am British. I have both Swiss and British passports as my father was Swiss but as I was born, brought up and educated in Guernsey and then England I am also British. Does that make me a better person ? No. Its not my nationalities that determine my qualities as a human but what lies in my heart.
But I too, will not be submissive and I will also stand up for my beliefs.
And the main point that I am making is that it is better to have a controlled forum with less freedom of speech but which has been a pleasure to participate in than a forum that is uncontrolled and open to all sorts of evil comments.
And if my belief will lead to others attacking my ability as a hotelier and my business which is my livelyhood then that is my misfortune and so be it.