Darren maybe be the best person to advice as far as dive sites go .my hubby is happy to dive in a bucket if he could fit in one

so he is happy to dive wherever he is taken. he says obviously there isnt the fish and coral like the red sea but the diving around this part of turkey is stil very enjoyable i.e caves, amphoria.
yes bloody gorgeous is great and he will have you in stitches. we did the jeep safari with him and had a great time. we just got caught up in the "holiday mood" and our bartering skills. He gave us a good deal for the 3 of them through mermaid which was a lot cheaper than EDC but unfortunately they got what they paid for :(. I dont think they were even padi registered as when after kicking up a fuss they supplied us with documents via another dive school in Olu

. the stupid thing is when here at home we would never be so stupid and would do all the proper checks first whether it be diving or building an extension.we would certainly never take the "cheap option" so i dont quite know where we put our brains when on holiday. especially with the safety of our 2 boys

. just inexperience at the time i suppose.