The only dodgy looking chicken I've had in Benidorm was from the KFC! What a filthy hole that is with stray cats jumping on the tables when people move away. I've never had a problem in any of the Chinese restaurants and I'll be using them again this year.
The Chinese tack shops don't particularly bother me but I just don't understand the point of them. How do they make enough money to pay the rent? I've never see anyone actually buy anything
I totally agree with you re the KFC. I asume you mean the one on the new town area, can't recall the name of the street but its just down the road from The Rio Park and Castilla hotels.....if I'm thinking abouth the same one

I've bought a few bargains from the Chinese tack shops....I'll admit they don't get very busy and their 'goods' tend to be the same old tat year in year out, but the bargains are there to be had if you spend just a few minutes browsing.....and if you can ignore the fact that they are staring at you constanly in case you walk off with something without paying....I assume that does happen sadly, then they are ok. But yes, I've often wondered if their profits are enough to cover their expenses.
Sorry, that was all just a bit