If you are travelling to ACE with Thomsonfly or First Choice I can tell you which flight your particular aircraft operates before it operates your flight so you can watch the previous day for any potential delays
Thanks, I hadnt thought of that, checking previous flights and seeing if there is any delays and therefore a knock on effect with our flight- however we are going with easyjet so will see how they are (never flown with them before)
So if you spot a recurring problem (eg your flight is always about the same amount late) do print the screen dumps, you never know how useful they might be!!
also had not thought of this either - proof of a delay every week if they are trying to insist it is a one off beyond their control
Will also have a look at the website you mentioned pendragon
Our flight last sunday took off 15mins late but still landed at ACE 5 mins before scheduled time so the captain must have stepped on the gas abit