Have you had a look cyprus-turkish airways Kedi . Their website is a bit of a pain and it helps if you can speak a little turkish but my nephew (and turkish wife) used them over the summer holidays this year and thought they were excellent . I saw a couple of their planes at Bodrum this year so Im assuming they fly there but not sure from what UK airports. worth a look http://www.kthy.net/kthyen/index.html
Steve, to be honest, in the middle of August Thomas Cook's fleet will be one of the most utilised in Europe, operating almost 24/7. Most charter airlines won't have spare aircraft hanging around in August. Thomas Cook will have one spare aircraft on 4 days of the week this Summer, covering a fleet of 43. So you're only as likely to have a delay as you are on the next airline.
In my experience, for short haul flights it is best to just go with the fare or schedule that suits you, and to not look too far into it with regards to fleets, likelihood of delays etc.
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