well well well where should i start,
after an early rise then whizz to edinburgh airport for our flight to Manchester everything was going great, we arrived in manchester for our first ever holiday to Candolim.
We were first in line to check in our luggage until an ignorant woman said she was allowed to go to the front as she had priority check in and had an upgrade, i said i don`t care if your the pope you wait in line like everyone else, she mumped and moaned and complained to the check in staff who informed her she was in the wrong line! so then it was the turn of the check in staff to get it for not informing her....YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE.
Anyway after a 7 1/2hr flight we landed in Bahrain and i must say its one of the nicest cleanest airports ive ever been in (apart from the gents cubicles there just a hole in the floor) after a quick refuel we were on our way to Goa
4hrs later we arrive and off we go into baggage reclaim after going through around 5 security checks you then have to fight off the young lads trying to get your suitcases but i won then we head for the doors where hundreds of taxi drivers are waiting and more baggage boys, but we had one booked and off we go.
Well thats the start of the most crazy driving ive ever seen our driver had stevie Wonder`s driving licence and two horns so he was king of the road, going head on with buses was normal to him. and that was still in the airport, phew!! sweating already!!
to be continued, theres lots more
we've all been there Dunk, and I bet you'll want to go back.Look forward to the rest.
the first part of the trip report is always the most difficult to do( I know that as its taken me a few days to start my Bangkok one
A few days Fiona im back from dec and still have to do my report ...Dunk ...this is brill please do somemore i will be in looking for more tonight ...colleen
Good read. Took me back to my first time. Nice and descriptive too. Lord I sound like an English teacher. Have a gold star
After Michael Schumacher`s asian cousin whizzed us to the Highland Beach in Candolim in record time it was off to our room,1504 round the back but a nice family room.i lay down with a cold beer (kingfisher)to get out the wife`s way whilst i supervised her unpacking, she made a few mistakes but i soon corrected her.I offered to make her a cup o tea but unfortunately there was no kettle mugs tea coffee or anything so i sent her down to reception to see if we could get some whilst i done some more relaxing.when she came back reception had said that they dont have kettles etc all you get is a fridge !!! oh right beer for breakkie then.
Then came our first adventure--trying to get to the beach
On leaving the hotel one of 15 or so taxi drivers said he`d whizz us down as it wasn`t far and only 50 rs which i thought was cheap even though i hadn`t a clue, he gave us the usual tourist speel, have you been here before to which i replied from the back seat ( you can`t see as much thankfully) yes this is our second time here but first time in Candolim,he seemed impresed!!mmmm
31 seconds later we were at the beach where we were greeted by an elephant so we proceeded th tourist thing and take it`s photo then from nowhere we were surround by men in orange saying we had to pay for taking nellie`s photo with our own camera, right then, how much i asked he said 400rs i said is that per photo he said nobut i could make a larger DONATION if i wanted too.
After escaping them we head for the sand only for more lads to jump out a Monkey Hut to let us have sunbeds drinks food anything we wanted but i was strong and said no,and proceeded to the first Shack we came to which was Claudinas.
Walking in i heard someone shouting hi Grant,thats me by the way, i travelled thousands of miles only to be greeted by one of my customers, happy happy joy joy he then started to tell me about the problems he`s having with his car and can i look at it when i return.oh yes no problem.
After getting rid of him we got a table and met Antony the owner of the shack and his staff alex ,martin ,romeo and others i treated the family to a slap up lunch of toasties and chips, meanwhile ant had told martin to get us sunbeds and of martin trotted with our towels beach bags and other junk down the sand what a great lad he was and it saved the wife a lot of carrying to, anyway off we trotted down about an hour later and everything was laid out infront of us just as promised,antony said he`d run us a tab if we need drinks etc just ask Martin he would get us anything we want so it saved the wife another walk. then down to the water for some wave jumping and i must say it`s the warmest water ive been in, after an hour or so its was back up to the sun loungers for another 40 winks in the heat, i must have slept a couple of hours until i was woken with a big slobbery wet kiss on the head i opened my eyes to expect to seen the wife instead there was a herd of bison standing over me and lots of folk standing round killing themselves laughing we i must have looked like a white Linford Christie the way i took off back to the shack for lots more beer to settle the nerves of course...
more tomorrow
Great reading Dunk just had a good laugh[your poor wife]
Enjoying reading your trip reports Dunk. We stay at the Highland Beach every year and go to Claudina's shack too. Will be there in 5 weeks. Waiting in anticipation for more! Tracy
I had the same experiance with a cow. But it was my big toe she took a fancy too!
I like the consideration that you have for your good lady, we really do treat them well, take them on holiday etc.......
Oh Dunk your report has made me chuckle - agree with aarond - your poor wife!!
New year on the beach is just crazy there are litteraly thousands of people and fireworks but what an atmosphere we left at around 3am and there were still hundereds of folk on the beach but the taxi`s try to rip you off they wanted 500 rs to ake us back to highland so we got out and walked.
so the million dollar question would we go back ??
well ive just booked for the same time next year but with one difference, i wont be flying Monarch the were terrible we missed our connection back to edinburgh and had to pay another £292 to get home but thats all part and parcel of holiday time, ive got only 340 days left to try and train the wife better for this holiday or i might have to trade her in for a younger more obedient model.
to everyone thats off soon , lucky you and enjoy.
see you all in December

Hope to meet up with you and your other OH in December. When are you going? We will be there 27 November for 2 weeks.
had a good laugh, also thought food at floyd's hut was very good.
It was'nt for the wife - it was for Dunk.???
Great report Dunk, no doubt you'll buy the wife a huge diamond this year!!
That depends on how good she does her job this year !! she needs a little bit more training as like all women should have.

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