Dont know what dates you looked at lyn, but very early this morming,- 5.30 ish there were flights to bodrum from gatwick for around £135 pp (excluding bags) ditto flights to malta from gatwick were coming in around £480 that's for two adults
Thanks SC . I was looking for my nephew as he had said to me at the weekend to watch out for EJ prices for him . They are fairly flexible and have a house in Turkey so pretty much go for the whole of the summer holiday . I just did a flexible search for Izmir & Bodrum from all london airports from around the 20th July until the end of August and the prices were horrific . They would have been very pleased with £135pp .
I do need Malta flights myself but didn't pay that much last year for 3 .. just over £300. We did go early july though so that may of been why . Having just booked Egypt flights for Easter I really can't afford to book any more yet which is why I didnt even look so I will just have to take my chances and hope we can go a bit earlier again . knowing me I will go straight there now , book and bung it on my CC again