Hi Rach.
It is a lovely walk along prom any way. Walk one way on prom , then cross over little wall onto beach and paddle along the waters edge back . Cools feet of as well.
Im not sure where you are staying so will find it hard to know if I am giving you good directions or not for here. On the same side as Mcdonalds walking in the direction of cambrils . Past the icecream parlour. (now thats a topic on its own). You will see funny little electric bubble cars that the little ones put euros in to ride around a paved area set back from the road. To the left of the cars are shops going backwards . There is an arcade has all kinds in ie bikes you sit on with screen in front for riding race and skill game. Shooting games. I think there is pool and shove football as well.
There are gardens with fountains or just grassy areas with trees. My lot go cricket spotting . You can hear them chirping at night, but they take a bit of spotting.
Incase any one is interested that icecream parlour is great . You get a menu which has all the different special ice creams in full page coulour to choose from. My youngest has had most of his bithdays in
Salou and we usually go here . They dont seem to do birthday cakes in Salou and so this is our way of doing it. The waiters are brilliant with the children. Choosing from the menu is half the fun .
What does your laddie like doing at home
Easy to do Plana bus goes there and back all the time. Drops off and picks up at bus in Tarragona .Not far from here to the market. Pay on bus going but need to buy ticket at office in terminal for return.
In one of my early posts I said I wander off and bus it to the markets on my own. I have also told you about pickpockets. This is a market where you need to heed my advice. When I went I asked a middle aged local spanish lady the way I was told this was a very bad place for pick pockets and to keep tight hold of my bag. She was right . I actually spotted some of it going on, though not anyone actually being robbed . There was a mother and what I supposed was her daughter. The daughter was following people then going back and talking with her mother.
Iwouldnt just go for market Salou was just as good. If you want to see Tragona its self there is lots of local history . Tip find out and practice the right word for bus station. I got puzzled lucks when I asked the way back to get the bus.
Just giving this a nudge so beermat can find it...
Will definately do the trip to Cambrills and I really like the sound of Glorias Ranch....oh its so exciting reading about everything to do!!

The one I am on about is not outside the shop..there is one like that opposite but never bought off it....this one is attatched to a resturant...the table is outside that they serve you from but the spits are just inside the resturant itself. Ive never been good at names of roads or remembering names of places. But will try to describe where it is. On the same side as mcdonalds heading towards the covered market....up over the next main road....the road after that...(not sure there is one going of at an angle as well... And cant remember wether it is the one right ahead or the one to the right hand side...)There is a tobbacco shop on your right hand side and i think it is futher up after that. ( if its not that road its one to the right if there is one ).......told you i was hopless at remembering .

How to get there.... Follow your nose!

Going to Salou again next year so it must be doing something right!

hi ' can anyone tell me if its better to take my own snorkel and flippers to Salou or wether it would be cheaper to buy some out there....not been to SALOU before , do they have water activities on the beach ....thnxs
Hi there all ...Just giving this a nudge to help daniel
EDIT: Hi Tweetie Pie ... it's probably best that I post a link to the existing House of Illusion thread, rather than have you copy various extracts from other posts which may just result in repetition and multiple topics across the forum:
David HT Mod
David HT Mod
EDIT: Link to Aquapolis thread, again to reduce duplication and extracts from various posts:
David HT Mod
David HT Mod
Not sure about on la pineda or other beaches
Thanks David and thanks for everyone posting latest things to do
HI..just nudging this for someone
thanks for the information i will be taking the tips
Hi MrsAniekwe .. you may have spotted, but just in case you haven't, this is a 6 year old topic which you have revived. You may find more recent topics which also have useful info if you take a browse back through the forum.
this is quite old...but Ive posted you the link...as might be interesting reading for you.... some of the information may need up dating...glorias ranch is nolonger there...and things are more comercialised now...its been a while now since Ive been to Salou for more than 4 days and that was just to take lads portadventura...tweetie
A lot has changed ...but some things still the same...thought Mrs Aniekwe could have a read and come back asking questions....tweetie
If you intend to go on the bus much you can buy a card like a credit card, Prices as 18 months ago but first time it cost 2 euros for the card and then 90c per journey in multiples of 10.you only need 1 per party. this will take you anywhere between Cambrills and Taragona or Reus town.

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