Valletta, such a unique city, it's always a pleasure to wander the little streets and just soak up the atmosphere, a major reason for visiting is to go to the upper barracca gardens just to look out over Grand Harbour we must of done it hundreds of times now in rain and shine and wow it still takes your breath away.
Dingli Cliffs, really peacefull up here with terrific views of Filfla and the flat calm Medditeranian, we always take a picnic up her and enjoy the tranquility, it's always nice to visit Dingli Village aswell it's a fine little place the countryside on the way to Dingli is really lovely too.
Xemxijia, this is where we first stayed in Malta and had fallen in love with the place within a day of being there, that has never ever happened anywhere else before.
Marsaxlokk, just love the bay and the boats and the sunday market, always have a fresh fish dinner in Cafe De Paris and it's always really nice with so much choice, there are some nice walks round here to if you know where your going, Ta Silg and Peters Pool in particular.
Sliema, well what can I say I love this town so much so I even named myself after it, Sliema is the kind of town I really want to live in, if our uk town was like this it would be 1000,000 times better for it.
Wied iz Zurrieq, the boat rides whilst touristy are brilliant, the sea is so blue and clear it simply invites you to jump in for a swim, the colours in the caves are amazing, and views from the cliffs are fantastic.
The Cottonera, so historical and traditionally Maltese, always a great pleasure to travel through this area, it has a real sense of the times of the knights and fabulous views of Valletta.
Thats it for now, but also want to add that there are so many places and reasons for liking them that I could be here for hours, but would like to mention Siggiewi, Mdina, Zebbug, Mgarr, Zejtun, Ghaxaq, Bingemma, Rabat, Bahrija, Mosta, Ghawdex, The Pwales Valley, Msida, Pieta and Floriana all as special places for many different reasons, not to mention places such as Skorba, Hypogeum, Tarxien, Ta Hagrat, Ghar Dalam.
L-isbah xewqat
the first place i visit is the grotto of our lady in mellieha to light a candle, this has to be the most serenr and quietest place on the island, on sunday mornings i love to visit the monti then i go to the upper barakka and have a coffee and a brandy and read the sunday papers pure pleasure
has to be Ta Cenc, looking over to Comino and Malta - will try and take a photo in the morning
Mark. I wait in anticipation for this photo. Can you not do it now
it was a bit misty first thing, so here are some from last summer

Looks a beautiful Island Mark and one I have never considered - must have a look into it.
There isn't many 'sticky' topics in this forum so if the Malta/Gozo members wish it we could make a 'Favourite Places in Malta and Gozo' ????
Oh Mark you tease.After my hubby saw that last pic he is wanting to go back to Malta very soon.
Glynis - good idea on a sticky
Thanks - will wait for the majority opinion and then start it for you.
Gozo street fireworks
My favourite place without any doubt is Spinola Bay, St. Julians. The way the whole road encompasses the bay with all the restuarants at the rivers edge and the ducks wandering around, it never ceases to take my breath away when I visit Malta. It is also a lovely place to dine at night when the sun sets and all the lights come on round the bay. Even saw a grouper fish from under the bridge last time.
Valletta I like, still trying to find upper Barraca Gardens though

Mdina is so peacefu. Will make a point to visit Dingli cliffs.
Love T'Pinu on Gozo, got some fantastic pictures of the views. love the display in the church of all the people who have been cured sent by people who prayed there.
Comino of couse (need to find a boat trip that goes straight from Gozo to Comino or from the closest point on Malta) Could not stand another 3hr trip from Malta to Comino on a Captains Morgans boat on a rough day

I don't know why but I love Pretty Bay, Birzebuggia. I don't mind its right opposite the docks (reminds me of Felixstowe!) I just love the beach and the water and i look for hermit crabs. I really am alone in this cos friend karen, boyfriend Colin and Maltese friend Debbie don't really like it. I'm determined this time to spend a whole day here this time.
Always go to Marsaxlokk, love the market.
I'm getting so excited, its great being able to chat about Malta

Meant to say lovely photos Mark. I get homesick for Malta, its really weird. you are glad to be back in UK but after a while, I get a yearning to be back in Malta. Its almost like 2nd home. Certainly don't feel that way about anywhere else I've been & its probably why I don't go anywhere else!
Nadur Church at festa time
Hi Jo, Spinola is nice, we love to get off the bus at the bay and walk round for a beer in some of the little bars around there, we like Pretty Bay aswell regardless of the Freeport in the bay, The Upper Barracas are really easy to get to, if you walk through City Gate in Valletta take a riht and head towrds the Opera House, walk past it until you get to Castille The Prime Ministers office, walk around the front of the building past the two cannons and across the road in front of the stock exchange you will see the statue of Gorg Borg Olivier walk past that and you will see the entrance straight ahead of you, I agree with you about feeling homesick for Malta as I often feel exactly the same, it's weird being homesick about a country you weren't born in but it's true, I always said that I wouldn't usually visit the same country twice, and now eight years on we are preparing for our 16th visit, with visits 17 & 18 already booked for June and September and number 18 a possibility for Autumn, oh well best laid plans and all that, there aren't many days that I don't read the Times of Malta or check out at least one of the webcams longing to be there I think that Malta is such a unique freindly and happy place with magnificent sights, sounds and smells it is a real treat for the senses it's hard not to fall in love with it, so you can talk to me about Malta any time you want, more dreamers and Malta lovers on here the better.

Glad you like Pretty Bay, I think the Freeport gives something interesting to look at. And thanks for the directions to the gardens. I think what we tend to do is walk down Republic street to the bottom or cut down side roads further down to the left or right, never from the top and I have never seen the Opera House. Is it rebuilt yet?
Glad you feel the same as me, cos sometimes people think I'm a bit strange when I go all vacant and dreamy talking about Malta. I can quite honestly say I have reached the stage of my life (late 30's no kids) that if I find myself single again, I would seriously be tempted to move there.
Love Mdina and have to say my favourite Maltese pasttime (apart from feeding cats) is lizard spotting....they fascinate me!
I too like Pretty Bay. The ships you get to see are amazing. Those container ships are gigantic. As for lizard spotting the next time you walk along the front in Buggiba, get down to the rocks near Dixies Diner, wait patiently for a minute and you will see hundreds.

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