ferris platinum
ferris cattle coach
would be the order i would look at.
pick up points will obviously also matter, but as i normally get on at dover it does not present me with a problem.
there are other threads on here comparing ferris/siesta.
cost is an issue, but few extra pounds is worth the extra comfort, im looking at calella blanes or tossa with one of these companys, having always travelled with cantabrica, I was unsure about the competitors, and the ferris coaches looked on a par with siesta. Thanks for the advice
That was one reason i liked Redcrest, the lack of a changeover just outside London (cuts 5 hours off my journey from Scotland!!!)
However, i always liked the single decker coaches of Cantabrica, but then again, if you were coming from north of London, they seemed to forget you existed as that is where their hostess service started from
Apart from that, they are all pretty much the same
By the way, how are the entertainment systems on the coaches these days ... the blurb i received from Interbrava when i booked tells you about their new system and it sounds really good ... these are all things to consider i guess!

Not that I can comment on anyone but Siesta, they have improved theirs. It used to be when the dvd's were playing the whole coach had to listen in, now every person is supplied with free headphones and you have a choice of dvd or several music/story telling channels which is really handy to stop the snoring noises through the night

This is a good move as far as im concerned, the previous system of everyone having to listen in could be a nuisance, especially when it was kiddies films on, usually had me reaching for the ipod ... then it was the reverse at night when they had a film on that i wanted to watch, but the volume was too low and you couldn't hear it!!

(Actually, maybe i will start a new topic on in-coach entertainment later, as this is dragging away from Pats point .... sorry Pat!)
May I throw another option in? Sunways coach holidays are also very good. I have travelled with them 4 times and have no complaints. I am from Leeds/Bradford area. Their prices are very competitive, much cheaper than Siesta. I have travelled with Ferris too and they were fine. They go to LLoret, Fanals, Blanes, Malgrat, Santa Susanna and Calella. It's certainly worth a look.
Sorry to digress on to coach entertainment, but does anyone know if the Ferris platinum coaches are fitted with the individual earphones, that can listen to a variety of channels.
Not up to last year pancho.
last year on the platinum coaches you had no choice but to listen to the films that were being shown , as for this year i dont know , as i dont go until august. but it would be great having the choice.
Hey .. i started a new thread for this!!
what put me off a bit with interbrava was the web site it didnt look as professional as the others however their accomodation looked very good
I've never travelled with them as i've never been able to get any information from them about seat pitch, which being over 6 foot is very important to me.
i know they do some great deals.
i've seen their coaches going through dover and they look ok -all single deckers- but the room on them ?????

well I have booked two weeks at gran reymar tossa, and im about to book transport via ferris platinum, thanks for all your help
well I have booked two weeks at gran reymar tossa, and im about to book transport via ferris platinum, thanks for all your help
the coach that goes to lloret is that purely for lloret or does it drop off at other points
it depends really on how many people want to go to lloret, but normally they would try and put all the lloret customers on the same coach and all the callela ones on another.
Last year we went with ferris holidays, to malgrat, but dropped off in lloret first. year before we dropped off in blanes first.
great holiday fantastic weather.
we went with club c,nothing wrong with trip going,went by quickly.
but had to share a coach with france people,(there was oly 12 for france and 19 for spain) they got on to another coach at 5 am,so that woke everyone up.
dosnt seem so many travaling with club c this year.
coming home coach was 3 hours late, husband phoned rep at 245, who the told us that it wouldnt be there until 5 pm.went it finialy showed up no hostess,(not even a bottle of water on board)no videos there was not even a tv on board.
as we where so late most of the sevices where shut for food,even the drivers where hungry.
the coach wher clean,just a little older and slower than other firms.

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