Hello, I have just discovered this great website, I am already fretting about my holiday in June next year and hope someone out there can help me be more confident about it! I am going to Santorini in Greece with my partner and 2 children (2 and 6). I've never taken them away before and although I am so excited I am also feeling queasy already with worry! Some of the things at the moment I am wondering about:
1, Shall I take travellers cheques or my bank cards (will i get charged to use cards?)
2, Will i be able to keep my daughter's pushchair after booking in at airport, my daughter will be nearly 3 and worried if there is a 6-hour delay what i will do with her- very heavy! (and prone to tantrums when tired!)
3, The flight back is on 06-06-06 which has horrified one of my relatives - would anyone else worry about this?

If there is anyone out there that has been to Santorini with young children that have any hints and tips i would be pleased to hear from you!
:D :D :D