Welcome to HT MMurphy! We all start as newcomers, but soon become good friends.
I can't really tell you about camping and caravanning in this area because I've always stayed in a hotel or B&B. But if you contact the regional tourist authority for Calvados (the area around Cherbourg) you'll get loads on info. Just put 'Comite Regional du Tourisme, Calvados' in Google and you should get details. You can email them in English - and they will reply to you in English, and send you brochures in English if you wish.
There's a lot to see - your kids will love it - the Bayeux Tapestry, the DD Landings, Cider making and tasting, Percheron cart horses, good food, sandy beaches, pancakes and possibly also the Mont St Michel (depending on where you decide to stay!).
You shouldn't find driving too difficult ... put your kids on 'roadside watch' to tell you if you're on the right side of the road or not .... usually when coming out of a side turning a few days after arrival!!
Be aware of 'priorite àdroite' for tiny farm roads in particular! Should you be unsure of the various speed limits, put them (and their mph equivalents) on a post-it note in the middle of your steering wheel!!!
Have a wonderful time - and research your holiday fully before you go! Planning is part of the fun.