Hi Plumbob,firstly you really will love Egypt,and your itinerary sounds wonderful
Health wise there are several precautions you should take but please dont be put off as advice is often in one hit and it can be "scary".
Take hand gel for cleansing as the money is dirty and use it a lot.
Get a prescription for 500 mg antibiotics and the minute you think you are having a bad tummy take one,it will hit the germ immediately.
if you do get a bad tummy the pharmacies know exactly what to give you.
Take re-hydration sachets.
The men are quite interested in european women but are friendly,just be aware !
Remember it is a Muslim country so it is nice to respect this and best for women not to go topless,also of course it attracts "attention".
Dress code in the hotels is pretty much the same as anywhere,smart/casual,and no bikini tops worn without a cover up.
If you look through the forum you will see lots more advice its just a matter of sifting through.
My family and i have been to Egypt several times and completely love it
hope this is of help