Has anyone out there got or received any refunds or replies from their airlines ? I have sent a claim into BMI Baby but as yet have heard nothing.
We had to wait an extra week for a re- booked flight back home.
Hi nosivad ... according to BMI Baby, customers should receive refunds within 30 days of making a claim. The airline may not personally respond to individual claims and so customers are advised to check bank statements on a regular basis.
Airlines "making it difficult for people to get their money back"
Airlines "tuck away" on their websites information to help passengers claim money back for flight disruption, according to a watchdog.
A survey of carrier websites by the Air Transport Users Council in the wake of the volcanic ash crisis found details of how people can be reimbursed for flight cancellations could be difficult to find or not there at all.
The AUC called on carriers to provide links from the home pages of their websites to information on how to claim money back.
"We found that with many airlines websites, instructions on how passengers can go about claiming their expenses, and also on how to get a refund of a ticket if they did not travel, are either tucked away in a section of the site that can be difficult to find or are not there at all," a spokesman said.
"We are pleased that most airlines have now committed to reimbursing the out of pocket expenses of passengers whilst they were waiting to get home.
"But passengers need to know how to go about getting their money back.
"We, therefore, call on airlines, as a matter of urgency, to provide a link to information on how to claim their money back from home pages of their websites."
With permission from Travelmole
Airlines "tuck away" on their websites information to help passengers claim money back for flight disruption, according to a watchdog.
A survey of carrier websites by the Air Transport Users Council in the wake of the volcanic ash crisis found details of how people can be reimbursed for flight cancellations could be difficult to find or not there at all.
The AUC called on carriers to provide links from the home pages of their websites to information on how to claim money back.
"We found that with many airlines websites, instructions on how passengers can go about claiming their expenses, and also on how to get a refund of a ticket if they did not travel, are either tucked away in a section of the site that can be difficult to find or are not there at all," a spokesman said.
"We are pleased that most airlines have now committed to reimbursing the out of pocket expenses of passengers whilst they were waiting to get home.
"But passengers need to know how to go about getting their money back.
"We, therefore, call on airlines, as a matter of urgency, to provide a link to information on how to claim their money back from home pages of their websites."
With permission from Travelmole
Hi David, do you mean they will refund via the credit card that you have to use when booking ? otherwise they have no knowledge of my banking detail.
Yes, the refund would go to the original source of payment.
I paid £920 to rebook my cancelled Monarch flight from Tenerife on line because it was impossible to contact them by phone. After contacting them they have said the "difference" will be reinbursed to my credit card within 30 days! I am expecting the "difference" to mean between what I originally paid & what I ended up paying i.e. £920 if not ...there will be trouble! My insurance has said I will be able to claim £100 per person for the flight delay of 9 days!
Sehr geehrter Kunde,
ich beziehe mich auf Ihren letzten Antrag für eine Erstattung des Fluges mit der Buchungsnummer *****.
Ryanair entschuldigt sich aufrichtig für die Annulierung Ihres Fluges, die durch die Schließung des europäischen Luftraums nach dem Vulkanausbruch in Island entstanden ist. Wie Ihnen wahrscheinlich bekannt sein wird, war diese Störung völlig außerhalb der Kontrolle einer Fluggesellschaft.
Aufgrund des Ausmaβes dieser Flugunterbrechungen kann die Bestätigung und / oder Erstattung des Prozesses bis zu 30 Werktagen dauern. Die Erstattung erfolgt auf die Zahlungsweise, mit der die ursprüngliche Buchung durchgeführt worden ist. Bitte reichen Sie Ihren Antrag weder erneut ein noch kontaktieren Sie die Reservierungsabteilung.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Ryanair Kundenservice
My German is not too bad but there is an apparent contradiction in the last paragraph*. Can someone tell me if my refund is actually being processed or if I have to apply again to Ryanair via their customer service centre online.
I know that some of the German characters have come out as rubbish in the change to an English print system, but if someone who has received a similar letter about the refund (Your refund has been ...) in ENGLISH I'd be most grateful if they could either post the English text here or send it to me by pm.
Many thanks.
* I fear - knowing their track record - that Ryanair might be intending to weasel out of the refund by writing unclear and contradictory information in their email ... as I'll really be celebrating all my Christmases and birthdays at once if Ryanair DO make any kind of refund to my account! Still, an optimist may be as mistaken as a pessimist, but at least s/he is happy!
It says that it can take upto 30 days and that the refund will be applied to the method of payment it was made.

still not received my refund from BMI Baby, even though they confirmed by phone they had my claim and i would get a cheque in the post shortly , as would all the others who were transferred over from Easy jet cancellations from EM airport.
I booked a flight which was cancelled due to Volcanic Ash with FlyThomasCook through an agent called Vacation Travel. When the flight was first cancelled I was promised a refund within 7 - 10 days. After two weeks they contacted me again and said I would get the refund within another 2 weeks. Then when nothing happened I contacted them again....and was promised a refund within a further 2 weeks. The latest excuse is that Thomas Cook was unable to do a BACS payment to Vacation Travel due to the fact that their credit card details had expired. (Obviously no-one at Thomas Cook knows how to use a phone or email and request new details). Therefore they said they were raising a cheque which would take up to 14 days to be delivered to Vacation Travel. (Apparently Thomas Cook cannot afford first class stamps!). Now they are saying that it will take up to 30 days to send this cheque. This would bring the wait up to 11 weeks after the flight was cancelled. I realise they have hundreds (perhaps thousands) of payments to process but I also know that they are taking hundreds of new bookings every day and they are not taking 3 months to process these.....on the contrary they expect immediate payment by credit card when booking. If they expect us to do this - they should be able to do the same!
It's confusing when you post the same message in two different forums! I've replied to your posts in the 'Complaints' one.
Ryanair did the decent thing and my refund has now come through. Case closed. I hope others awaiting their refunds get theirs very soon. Thanks for the help with the translations ...
ive had all miy haoliday refunded fron travel republic hotel flight and transfer they were very efficient.
Still waiting for my refund of compensation claim from BMI Baby, any one else waiting for refunds from them ?.
I have this morning received a letter from BMI Baby, a lot of jargon about the situation being out of their control, the bottom line being they are unable to to re-imberse the additional costs !!! i understood this was a European airline agreement. I only claimed 20 euros per day \for food and 20euros per day for accomodation for the extra week we had to wait for them to fly us back, i thought i was being very reasonable. Any one else got the knock back from BMI ? they say claim from you travel insurance but we all know they do not cover this type of occurance, last question, can they do this is it legal ???.

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