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Flight Times
18 Posts
We always try to get an early flight, we like to arrive on holidays at a reasonable time, it gives you time to get your bearings and sort yourself out before going out for an evening meal and a couple of drinks......then usually an early night.
I am prepared to pay a bit extra for early flight times. This year Thomas Cook has altered our flight time from 7am to 11am which is not too bad, but the return doesnt get back to Manchester until just before midnight..I hate the hanging around if you have a night return :(
I book morning flights as I like to get to my end destination and have a look at my surroundings whilst it's still light if possible, with long haul you can't always determined times etc because of time differences, but generally speaking I opt for early morning
MilleMiglia wrote:
Personally we like a nice early flight meaning we get some pool time on arrival day and some time to chill out before a few drinks and an earlyish first night, And on the last day idealy we like a pick up about 11am so there is no hanging around all day waiting .

Thats us too. Its always a trial getting up at 3am for a 6am flight, but its worth it when you get to your holiday destination and everyone is just getting up. Likewise coming home, I pack the night before so its only a quick breakfast and then off to the airport. I really cannot bear hanging around.

We had a evening flight to Cyprus a few years ago and didnt arrive at the hotel until 4am (after the long transfer) and it was horrible. Not only do you miss a day, but the next day is a bit of a waste too. Coming home was worse though as the flight wasnt until 4am ish (with a coach pick up at around 1am) but we had to vacate our room at midday the day before. Dont think I would ever consider evening/night flights especially with a 7 year old.

Midday flights are ok but I would always pay extra for morning flights.
i always go for morning flights, did a night flight to corfu once and all that hanging around the last day was a nightmare so never again
I prefer night flights.
They are quieter and much cheaper. :rofl
I saved £200 each last October going on a night flight. :tup We also save on car parking as we can go to the airport by Metro.
I always book an extra night at the hotel before going so get to keep room until pick up time.
As we are non drivers and rely on family or friends or public transport to get too and from airport i prefer a early afternoon flight with an early evening return flight, cant always get them but we live in hope . This years flight times are perfect going out 13.10 coming back 21.25 fingers crossed they dont alter :)
I will pay more for a flight with a good time from a regional aiport near to home. For me that means about 9am going and around 8pm coming back. I have a holiday home and so it is convenient to pack up and leave during the afternoon. I hate arriving anywhere after about 2 am it throws me for the next day. The worst time for arrival is around dawn. If I can be in bed by around midnight I am fine the next day and ready to enjoy my holiday. I have booked most of my flights for this year and am really happy that I have managed to get good flight times for all of them.
I usually get early morning flights going I prefer them as it gives you chance to get settled in that day.
For both our holidays, to Turkey and Goa, this year we will be arriving at the resorts at 5/6am.

I actually don't mind this. We usually unpack and then sleep for a couple of hours as I NEVER manage to sleep on the plane. Then when we wake up it's usually mid-morning and we've switched to their time. Suits us well.

Coming home, we get back to Gatwick at around 10pm both times and that works well too. Once we get home it's straight to bed and up first thing in the morning.

It minimises jet lag.
I'm just kind of driven by price, so I just go with what's available. I would never pay 50 or 60 pounds extra per person to get a better flight time.

I travel fully expecting flights to be delayed so don't set to much store by the flight times. To me whatever time you go seems to have either advantages or disadvantages, so just go with the flow.
Day flights defininitely for us. I wouldn't really mind what time we fly but with 2 young children it is so much easier in the day, preferably flying out mid morning and coming back afternoon or early evening.
Dont really mind but I am not liking the flights getting earlier have been offered 6-10am and if you work that backwards with a hour and half car trip and be at the airport 2 hours before I think that is a bad way to start a holiday
I prefer early flights, preferably between 7 and 9 am, but it's not a big deal to me. It all depends how much money Id save by going later. If it was a couple of hundred then I'd take the later flight, although as I'm getting older I do tend to look at flight times with different companies before deciding.
Early flight
Better view from the plane window
Even though have to get up at stupid o'clock to get to airport get to resort early afternoon
Enjoy unpacking and 'settling in' the complex before lights out
In tune with natural body clock, might be tired first night but quickly get into routine of rising early/bed late(ish)

Late flight
At home clock watching most of the day until the afternoon to leave for the airport
Arrive at resort late into the night, feeling shattered from the long day but unable to go to bed until everything has a 'place'
Next day walk round like a zombie, feeling like you have just taken part in a sponsored stay-a-wake
Unless you are lucky enough to be able to book a late room, it is horrible clock watching on the last day to leave
Plane seats uncomfortable to rest properly and coming home in the early hours is absolutely shattering

Been abroad with day and night flights and I much prefer the day flights so made sure our next holiday had them. I just find it much easier especially with two children too. Night flights just take too much out of me.
doepsmc wrote:
I'm just kind of driven by price, so I just go with what's available. I would never pay 50 or 60 pounds extra per person to get a better flight time.

I travel fully expecting flights to be delayed so don't set to much store by the flight times. To me whatever time you go seems to have either advantages or disadvantages, so just go with the flow.

Same here, flights from Scotland are expensive enough as it is, so it all comes to down to price as far as I'm concerned. If it gets me there, don't really care what time the flight is, to be honest!
Personally me and the girls like day flights. Our usual Cyprus flight leaves Bristol at 9am and touch down is 15.40 cyprus time. The girls love getting up early in the morning rushing off to the airport whilst it's too dark and smelling all the nice warm early coffee in the departure longue! And as mentioned above you can see great views from the plane plus the way my dad drives we are in his home in the pool 45 minutes after leaving the airport :tup

I usually try to get a flight that get me to the resort for 11am, on arriving unpack bags, and go for a walk round resort, but any flight into resort for any time will do aswell

But on return flight I more or less need to get a flight which get me home in the uk for 3pm-5pm, so then I can get home to glasgow,by trian or uk flight at 5pm
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