I have just received a letter from the above company. It is about a change of flight for our holiday to Cyprus. We booked the flights in September 05 to go to Larnaca from Manchester on the 16th of August. The flight was operated by First Chice and departed at 08.30 and returned at 19.30. The new flights depart at midnight and arrives back in the UK at 04.30. They do not give any reason for the change. I have rung First Choice and the original flight is STILL operational and seats are available.
We will have 3 children with us including our 5 year old granddaughter, and this was the reason we need a daytime flight, also I am medically retired and there is no way I could wait around for 14 hours for the return flight. I have tried to contact them both by phone and by email, but I have had no reply, surely they cannot do this as the original flight is still operational and available. Any advice would be much appreciated, ie right to refunds etc.:evil:
Unable to find an ordinary number listed for them.
I suggest you Google the name and browse the results. It may be you can find another number.
I actually found a freephone number for them but guess what it told me to ring the 0870 number for any admin queries. I have sent them a letter by recorded delivery asking for a refund.
Depart Manchester (MAN) 08:30 16 Aug 2006 Arrive Larnaca (LCA)15:10
Flight No. DP061
Depart Larnaca (LCA) 16:10 30 Aug 2006 Arrive Manchester (MAN)19:15
Flight No. FCA8102
Hi Glynis, I already did a search with them the day I received the letter. Even though the flight is still on their site, when you try and book it there is a message at the bottom of the page saying this flight is no longer available. Still have not heard anything from them , rang Ross the solicitor and she advised me to go for a refund. I will keep the thread upto date as to what happens with them.
Thanks Dojoman.
Once again I have had no problems what so ever, and I must say I have had time changes myself before, but this is not a problem of flydeals, it is the supplier in your instance First choice who have for whatever reason changed there schedule. Maybe if you had not booked as rashly as you seem to have complained and read through things you would of realised this was the case.
hi..cretevillas..do you work for flydeals
seconded in your view:
that was rather a rude reply to a poster
Cretevillas, I'll refrain from making personal comments but would, kindly, ask you to disclose the 'phone number that you may well have used when contacting Flydeals - that number may then result in dojoman enjoying the same service you say you've received.
but this is not a problem of flydeals, it is the supplier in your instance First choice who have for whatever reason changed there schedule
This might well be true if it's a flight only. If they booked a PACKAGE the complaint would be with the Tour Operator. I'm uncertain of Flydeal's position in this - they may be the travel agent - they may be the Tour Operator.
dojoman, I found these numbers by reference to a great site called: http://www.saynoto0870.com
they are 0870 7873400 or 0800 3581464
good luck.
The post by 'cretevillas' is an unwarranted attack on John for making a legitimate complaint about what appears to be shoddy service by Flydeals.
When someone joins and the same day posts such a message, I smell vested interest.
1 - Dojoman last posted on April 5th so we do not know the outcome. This is a complaint often made on HT -
2 - Anyone booking a holiday so far in front faces the problem that times may change. In this case by a substantial amount of time.
But then to be unable to get an answer is not acceptable.
Reading this, and other complaints regarding the lack of response from a major tour company, only strengthens my view that "customer service" are nice sounding words that go in the brochure. They do not however seem to feature in company policy.
3 - You make an assumption that someone has been impolite in their approach. That may or not be the case but without proof then it is bad manners on your part.
4 - People do book holidays many months in front. I have booked two myself for May and October. In my case flight times have yet to be confirmed. Changing of flight times by a TO who also operates their own planes is an indication of poor management - in this case it would appear they have overbooked people onto the flight. Not very confidence building.
5 - The booking was made with Fly deals and it is their responsibility to sort it out, not First Choice. That is the law - not an opinion.
6 - You may not have had a problem but that does not mean others have not. I have flown with EXCEL several times over the last three years with no problems but many who post here on HT have.
7 - Here on HT we try to help, not insult. If you cannot do the first please do not do the second.
Makes it all the more suspicious that a new member should exhume this thread. Must have used search looking specifically for Flydeals to go that far back.
Definitely a vested interest.
I'm sure those technical boughs that run this site, have paid attention to the ip address
this site's aims and aspirations have been summed-up perfectly by fwh - as ever. He cuts straight to the heart of the matter.
Peter OY - like you, I never spotted the date. I simply assumed that a posting popping-up at the top of the list was recent. I spent (but don't at all begrudge the time) a little effort in rooting-out the relevant info.
I hope cretevillas has something positive to add to this or future calls for assistance. The vast majority of us aim to be constructive and helpful as far as we can.
Hi everbody please accept my apologies for not giving an update on my situation. I managed to get a refund in full after taking legal advice, also it was in their t and c that if a flight changed from a dayflight to a night flight I would be eligible for a refund. The said flight that I originally booked, and Flydeals said was non operational was the actual flight that I took to get to Cyprus. When I contacted First Choice directly they did not know what Flydeals were on about and they booked me the flights whilst I was on the phone. I never managed to speak to anyone at Flydeals so I ended up sending a letter by recorded delivery and it was ONLY then that I was informed that I would get a refund but it would take 6 weeks to go into my bank account. Guess what it took 8 weeks and that was only after I sent another letter by recorded delivery. I will not even lower myself to answer cretevillas, I know I acted in a proper and reasonable manner and never once resorted to be rude or abrupt. If they had read the posts correctly they would have seen that First Choice had not changed their schedule, and the same flights are still scheduled for next year. I do not know why this person has reacted in this manner, all I did was post what I thought was a reasonable grievance. Also thanks to all the fellow posters for defending me, much appreciated and to the person who pointed me back to this thread, thak you, John
your update is very much appreciated - thank you.
I'm glad you got a solution but having to wait 8 weeks for a full refund is not on is it. The rules are very clear and laid out in the industry regulations - refunds are meant to be processed within a matter of days.
Your success is answer enough for cretevillas.
Whilst I find the thought of working for flydeals laughable, I must admit you are correct that I do work in the travel industry, and therefore am well aware of the processes that occur pre and post flight. Once again I dont mean to attack anyone but it appears some of you should do your homework properly before challenging a legitimate company, I myself am a web based owner and know what it is like to have your company slandered by those that don't know all they think they know, for example if it's a package holiday (if you did your homework gentlemen you would see that flydeals is flight only, not a tour operator) a package holiday may use others flights, for example some of my clients come to our villa's using expedia, skydeals, lastminute.com and flydeals. I'm glad you got your refund dojo man, I mearly defended a company as some naughty boys that have too much time on there hands yet not enough brains launching childish yet smart arse comments can lead to bad publicity for innnocent companies. Remember kids the media controls.
(if you did your homework gentlemen you would see that flydeals is flight only, not a tour operator)
Erm they look like a travel agent to me:-
Flydeals search and can offer discounts with all tour operators. As an independant travel agent we are interested in offering our clients the best deal, rather than selling a particular operators product. Please fill in the enquiry form

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