It was a bit late but when i was in spain I tried Chameleons again and it was good and much more room
I Found The Cristals place but it was closed on a few occasions so i will try at easter as it looks worth a go
I found the Mirador place (iknew it when i saw it) but it was Shut! so again one for the future
Is Diablitos also known as the white devil or little devil I guess if so yoe we have been there several times in the past But it was shut over some of xmas
One for you have u tried Entrada2 ? up the strip or
Begonias on the main drag in arroyo?
I had a 500g steak at the argentinian place by new cop shop (armagor????) Still full up a week later V good
More places than usual were closed this xmas than previous i think but i still managed to put on weight neverless!!!!!
If any more come to light please post perhaps we should all compile a list???