seems i get caught by this every year(i should know better at my age, but the thought of going on holiday...........) and so i thought i would see if anyone knew if this was definitely happening again this year, and also to warn anyone who has not experienced the joy of having loads of screaming,uncontrolled,uncontrolable,inconsiderate -you get the idea - gangs of young teenagers running amok in your hotel until all hours of the night what to expect.
from previous years it seems to take quite a lot before any hotel gets the local police involved.
don't want to put anyone off the idea of going(though maybe i should and there would be more room on the coach

my solution to this problem is simple.i complain immediately to reception(i am getting to old now to go out and smash their heads together-though i did do it 5 years ago) by phone and if nothing gappens within a short space of time i give them second chance and then call the holiday rep.
all local reps usually have a 24 hour phone number for you to call in emergencies, and if, after you have tried the local hotel management, you still have problems with this sort of noisy guests a phone call to this number at 3am can have quite an effect-especially if it happens more than once

anyway i hope everyone enjoys their holiday and hope that ferris allocate me a good AI hotel this year.