no diffrent to any other telly, look around you to see which direction most of the areals face [and get it polorised the same way] plug everyhting in and set the freeview tuner to scan, if you are getting a good enough signal it will self tune, if the picture is a little off go out and twiddle the areal till you have the best picture
cheers wizard
I think that when we do go for it in the caravan we will get a TV with it built in.
When we gotthe satellite we were reliably informed that the suitcase ones would be no use when we got as far South as Catalonian Spain but I found it so easy and quick to set up it was faster than ordinary TV at home
a/ because we didn't bother trying to find any money grabbing channels (can tell we don't have sky can't you

b/ we got a perfect set of UK channels
c/ it was actually quick to do
I have always found that Terrestrial systems are much more fiddly especially as you have to retune every time you move (not sure whether Digital is the same)
weve just come back from camping and tried the new tv we brought with built in freeview whilst there and it was fab we brought a digital ariel from ebay it was about 34 quid,we got a fab picture so really pleased.thankfully didnt use it till late at night because we had fab weather thanks for the replys all

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