That wouldn't be with Aegean / H4U / goldtrail would it? There's a big discussion over on the flights forum about this.
no its not the ones you said,, to be fair they were very nice when i phoned them, could not apologise enough, said it was beyond their control, and it is the first time they had 2 pass on the increased costs to their passangers for a few years, the man did offer me a full refund for the flights, but as i had not booked the accomodation with them they could not help with that, i did look up alternative flights but could not find anything in the same price range that i payed origionally ,well it would be no good having payed in full for the holiday to cancil the flights not much use having 2 weeks accomodation and no way of getting there . they have got you literally over a barrel, OF CRUDE OIL,,
We have paid surcharges this week - but I have to say I think its fair enough. We got very cheap flights originally, and we all know how much fuel has gone up. Ours was with Aegean flights, and if they couldn't put on these fuel charges, they'd probably go out of business, they only put just under £11 per person on, which I wouldn't say is excessive.
anglea martin

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