Not trying to put you off, but i've read bad reviews of badala park, but reading through many reviews the comments seem to change from year to year, perhaps change of management etc?
It is a fascinating place and outside the hotels gates it really is a different world, the people are very friendly but there are some , ie the bumsters who really are a pain. I'm an easy going person and quite laid back but some of them made my blood boil, i know people say that if you say no they will go away, but they don't, its like having a full time stalker, you try to laugh it off see the funny side etc, but it comes down to intimidation and complete hassle, you don't go on holiday for that.
One night we ventured out for a meal only 5 mins walk from the hotel, and a chap was hanging around and saw that i had cigarettes, he just walked in and sat at the table while we were eating, the owner wanted to throw him out , i said no, and let him have a cigarette, and started chatting to him , telling him about the hassle etc they cause and asked him why don't you lot just chill out and treat tourists with a bit of respect etc, he said the bumsters were out of order and could see the damage they were doing, we talked about football etc haviing a laugh about different stuff, he then asked if i could give him 50 dalasi to buy food for his family, i gave it to him and he shot off. This sums it all up , 1. its sad that he's so desperate for equiv £1, 2. to him its worth him giving me 10 mins of his time to get the equiv of a days pay , thats why you get hassle , if we could all hassle someone for a few minutes to get the equiv of our days pay none of us would work. To me its seems the easy way is to take 1 dollar bills and just give them out as you walk down the road just so you can get to the other end.
I think as a holiday its great, excellent weather, cheap food, a bit of culture, wildlife, somewhere different, but do not underestimate the bumsters, its not just a case of saying no.