I hope people don't find this too boring, part 1 with the rest to follow as and when i get the chance
Part 1
Well we set off for home two weeks ago in the freezing blizzard conditions that had prevailed in Birmingham that weekend"¦arriving at BHX in plenty of time. Booked in with Thomson no problem at all and was allocated our extra leg room seats.
Made our way to the executive lounge to await the flight (these really are recommended..£15 to sit in the peace and quiet of the lounge, a good supply of newspapers, tv, and of course a totally free bar complete with snacks..)
anyway the flight with Thomson had arrived on time from Manchester and we boarded with no delays, though the plane was a complete shed! "¦none of the promised facilities that Thomson has spouted so much about..our ‘extra leg room' was appalling sat right in front of a bulk head in the narrowest seat I have ever experienced and would have had more legroom in a 'normal' seat. No individual in flight entertainment as promised and the plane was a disgrace..bits of tape holding panelling in in places (in the cabin not outside - thank god).
Anyway the flight took off on time and we were given a flight time of just 9 hours..and this was correct..nine hours later we arrived in Dabolim.
A non eventful and boring flight. By the way Thomson advertise that there menu is created by Aldo Zilli - If I was Aldo Zilli I would try and distance myself as much as possible from the slop they served on this flight"¦absolutely disgusting!
Well through the airport with no problems - super quick this time - out waiting for our luggage in about 15 minutes from landing, no hassle from porters inside the terminal this time which was good, we went outside to await our taxi (Jack the driver from Baga who we had drive for us the last time we were there) Anyone want his number then PM me he is great, reliable always on time, cheap, and most importantly SAFE.
Anyway we took our cases and battled through the throng of "Taxi" and porters trying to carry my cases to the bus that we weren't getting . And then Jack Spotted us and told us to wait whilst he brought his car round. 10 minutes later we were on our way, it all seemed familiar despite it being two years since our last visit, it didnt have the fascination this time round, it just all seemed so normal and expected.. the trip from the airport to the Marinha Dourada flew by and we were checking in within and hour or so of landing.
We had requested the same room number in the annex that we had last time despite being warned that we might suffer from noise from the building going on behind it. We didn't there was absolutely no noise at all for the whole two weeks.
We entered the room and there was nice welcome back card and gift of a bottle of port from Edwin and the management.
The room was just as we left it, basic, but clean and comfortable - with the balcony looking out over the two lakes, well I ensured the mini bar was opened for us and hit the lids on the first two kingfishers of the holiday, aghhhh the thought of those now are making my mouth water.
For those interested the mini bar prices at the MD are more than reasonable in fact they are cheap considering the convenience. In your fridge you get 6 litre bottles of water at 15rps each, two bottles of pepsi 20 rps each two sprite 20 rps each and two soda water same 20rps, you also get two Bacardi breezers which are 70 rps each - and two large bottles of kingfisher and 2 of cobra both for around 70 - 80 rps if I remember rightly. if you want any more just ask the boys they will top up with however many you want. They refill every day.
After her indoors had done the packing we popped off to get the security box sorted and stow the passports etc, MD charge a reasonable 500 rps for the safety deposit box for two weeks, then we looked to change some cash, MD were quoting 75 rps to the pound so we thought we would try the little hut just outside the hotel - (out the gate turn right about 100 meters on the right) good decision he was giving 79.50 to the pound. We found this the story throughout the stay he was always giving about 4 rps more to the pound.
After this we thought we would take a walk along the river into Baga - (in my nice new holiday sandals on their very first outing) well we got as far as the first little bridge and took a dive in to MOJOs (the pub opposite Makkies market) I was already in desperate need of another beer and Mojos does Kingfisher on draft and in iced glasses so that was all the excuse we needed to take a pit stop.
Part 2 to include trips, restaurants, shopping and general feelings of the place etc.. to follow once I have sorted my unpacking out"¦
Gaz we had the same problem on the Thomson flight (from Gatwick) as well. Promised all this new inflight entertainment with your own 7" telly but nothing at all. Our leg room was fine, cant complain on that one.

I am embarrassed to say that when we stayed at the MD we didnt even investigate the prices in the mini bar, I must say though it was our first time in Goa and we were used to staying in 4 and 5 star hotels in Thailand where the mini bar prices are extortionate

So we bought our own water etc

nice report so far. Good idea to put minibar prices in
Apologies all for the delay in the next part - i have been totally snowed under on return to work and have been totally knackered when i get in at night but i promise i will get the next part sorted for tonight...bear with me
But dont forget to add the compulsary taxes to the marinha douradas mini bar prices bringing the beer from 70r up to about 84 r. Same with the breezers
Still cheaper than their ordinary bar prices which are just plain silly at 90 rupees a bottle or even
100r for a breezer
That equates to about £1.10 for a beer or 1.25 for a breezer "in india" in an official 2 star gaff
(albeit with a nice lake though)

Lagoa azul for example with same star rating charge only 60r for same beer?
After leaving MOJOs we walked in the blazing midday heat along the baga river road towards the beach - not a lot had changed in the last two years along there - still getting stopped every 5 minutes by knobs on motorbikes trying to entice us to the Royal Goan Beach club time share...I must admit i lost it after the third time in 30 yards and told the last one to what he could do with his invite! This is not looking good - im here to chill and i have already lost it!
We managed to get as far as the Mayon Creek Restaurant just short of the very impressive new bridge - this time it was for a non alcoholic drink - a watermelon juice for me and a mango for the wife...very refreshing - we were to return here for breakfast later on in the week. It seems quite a nice place with a lovely position right at the waters edge..
Over the bridge and instead of taking the new road i thought i would take the path across the football pitch and through the woods like last time, god what a mistake! this place is literally a tip - in fact the landfill at home is more pleasant..it stank to high heaven and was staked high with litter...this didn,t seem to worry the indian population who had pitched camp here for the easter weekend and were quite happy to continue their urination and defecation in front of any passers by...Why do they feel the need to do this...why do they literally shit on their own door step! do they have no pride at all in their surroundings!
We battled on through the throng of campers! and made it to the beach road, where we we overwhelmed with offers of sunbeds, more taxis and just about everything else...the last time we stayed we only bothered with Brittos shack here so as i knew where that was we headed straight there..time for something to eat..
I promised myself i would have a Butter chicken and garlic nan as my first food in Goa and held myself to this...my wife also had a Butter chicken - her first taste of it as she never bothered last time....they were fantastic and the portions absolutely massive! there was easily enough for two in one portion, the garlic nan we shared and also had a portion of chips...(well you can take the man out of england...etc)
Along with a couple of Lime Sodas this came to a more than reasonable 330 rupees or £4.20 in old money for both of us..the only thing i thought was out of order was the 80 rupees they charged for chips - i can get them cheaper at home!
I will go through the other restaurants we used now...
on the first evening we went to Souymens Kitchen - I had booked a table before leaving the UK for 9pm following the recommendations on here and having used After 7 about 6 times last time we were there when he was chef there. Well as expected the food and service were excellent..we walked in dead on 9pm and was greeted by the maitre de woman saying welcome mr thomas...a good guess on her part as i could have been anyone...
The menu here was almost identical to the menu previously served at After 7...I had the French Onion soup to start the wife had the chicken liver pate - both were excellent. I followed this with the Fillet Steak - the most excellent fillet i have ever tasted - it was accompanied by a liver pate sauce and a jacket potatoe and some random veg...all was spot on.. My wife had the signature dish known as Chicken ???? she reckoned it was spot on..though i cant remember for the life of me what it was like..
We followed with puddings of Crepes (absolute heaven) and chocolate moose - (to die for) along with 2 large king fisher - 2 large romanovs 2 large G and Ts and a bottle of Chenin Blanc the bill came to a more than reasonable 3000 rupees including the tip i left..we were to return here a further two times...
I will take a break here as all this talk of food has made me hungry and it is tea time after all...
sounds good
Is Mayon Creek Restaurant the place you sit by the river and its got the little checked table cloths? If so, ive driven by here many times and it is always so busy, will need to give it a try in November.
Other Restaurants we ate at
Floyds Hut - Candolim - Enjoyed it the first time - service was good and food excellent - again I had a Butter Chicken and a Paratha - excellent on both accounts. I had chicken pakoras to start - they were alright but were very heavy and thick battered. My wife had a tandooried Red Snapper - the thing was huge! the waiter did ask us if we wanted to know the price before hand though so good on them for that - it was 500 rupees which seems expensive but in reality its £6.50 for a fresh giant red snapper she reported that it was gorgeous just the right amount of spice etc..i cant vouch for this because stupidly I hate and seafood or fish...! again with drinks all night including a half decent bottle of local wine the bill came in at about 2000 rupees including the tip. The second time we went was different - the service was appalling - they were not busy but it took the waiter nearly 30 mins to come and get our order and take for drinks and as soon as we had our starters finished they brought out the main course straight away - others were moaning about waiting an hour for their food and a number of people walked out - the food was also very poor on this occasion my chicken tikka massalla tasted like an overspiced poor supermarket frozenn curry...i left all but two spoonfulls. I wouldnt be returning here again after this poor show.
After 7 - Well Im sorry Leo but without Chef Soueymen you cant cut it in the high end stakes..your food was average and your service was no where as good as it used to be. my fillet steak was tough, and my bread pudding with caramel sauce had no caramel sauce and was minuscule. dont get me wrong other than that there was not a lot wrong with the meal but for the price (more expensive than Soueymans) you should be doing better. This was a previous favorite restaurant but we were not to return again. if the food is not going to be improved on you newed to lower your prices significantly.
Over the flames - Who keeps saying this place is good - what a nightmare of a place...massively over attentive waiters - about 5 different waiters approached during the meal to enquire how are food was..about three times each! the place was totally spoilt by a kareoke session going on at ear splitting volume for the whole of our meal - the food was below average - the chateau briand steak i had asked for as a medium to rare what like charcoal and the jack daniels sauce tasted as much of jack daniels as a piece of cheedar cheese! The waiter suggested Apple pie and ice cream for pudding - yes we thought that sounds nice - when it came out it was a pices of stale apple sponge cake - revolting! The owner didnt even bother to cme over and introduce herself - just kep flitting between the noice machine and the front gate passing right by us each time without even acknowledging us. A horrible place.
Kebabs and Curries - Good - a nice high quality Indian Restaurant with a nice selection of rare dishes - the two starters we shared i had never heard of before but were gorgeous - potatoe based snacks...my wife had a lime and yogurt marinated kebab with a separate serving of massala sauce. I had a persian dish with chicken and apricots I cant remember its name but it topped the charts for me in the curry league even topping a butter chicken. Service was excellent and prices cheap - The homemade kulfi for pudding was heaven in a bowl...for three courses with wine and irish coffees the price came in under 1600 ruppees...
Alfresco - in Arpora opposite all spice - we took a walk up here one Sunday afternoon - when we were feeling peckish - they were open but we were the only customers - the king fisher was icy cold and welcoming - my wife had the chicken xacuti and nearly orgasmed with delight at it...i must admit it was nice but i didnt orgasm

more to follow - things to do
I also enjoyed Kebabs and Curries. Food was great and reasonably price. I think we maybe had the same starters - potato based, although I also cant remember the names of them either

Kim Faa - I know a lot of people praise this Chinese Restaurant and I ate at it last time and twice this time so it cant be all that bad but its far from being anything special..The chinese food we get at home is far superior to the food here. Dont get me wrong it made a change to indian and was ok in small doses - but everything was so sweet - every option seemed to include some sticky sweet sauce, we had The BBQ Ribs as part of our starter and they were tiny where did they find a pig with such small ribs were talking bones about argos pen size...made me worry about which animal they had got them from! They are always very busy so service can be a bit sporadic but the staff try hard and and the owner is very friendly. Its worth a visit but dont expect chinese food as good as you probably have had many times elswhere.
Silver Sands Shack - Baga Beach - The food here was good - very good infact - everything we tried was cooked to perfection always red hot and service was brilliant - my favorite part of the holiday - last time we came we never really bothered with the shacks at baga and never 'attached' ourselves to any one in particular but this time we spent a lot of our time here. We had Breakfast, lunch snacks and evening meals here and all were good. Breakfast i particularly enoyed because i got my fix of plain food i usually chose Heinz beans on toast with a plain omlette and a plain lassie to go with it. always coocked properly and always hot. I wasa able to buy a selection of the papers at breakfast time from a beach seller to go with my breakfast..these were a bargain in my opinion , i used to get navhind times, herald, times of india and GT all for 40 rupees kept me in reading material all day long. Back to the food - they have the usual shack type menu with a slection of indian, tandoori, chinese etc. We also went to their sunday night barby which was good as they had the fire show and fireworks after..also used this shack to watch the footy at as they had a big screen and projector..the prices were inbelievable...My wife and i would both have breakfast, loads of drinks, lunch, and various snacks ice creams crisps etc and the bill at the end of the day was around 800 rps. The lads here are fantastic and i always ensured i gave them a good tip, I even managed to give away 5 of my old Birmingham City Shirts to the shack lads here so if you see a load of shack lads in blues shirts you know why!. If you visit please say hello to Milan - he was great, always willing to go that extra mile for you - for example one night i fancied steak and the silver sands didnt have steak on the menu - so he went to BRITTOS and got me a fully plated meal of steak and chips with a mushroom sauce and brought it to me at silver sands! - AND STILL only charged me 200 rupees for it.
Paradise Beach Shack - Mandrem beach - Again a fantastic place for food and drink - we used to get here for just after 9 in the morning and have breakfast with a selection of fresh juices and lassies whilst we were eating they would take our towells and lay them out on the sundbeds. They would come round taking orders for drinks before lunch and then we would go and eat lunch back inthe shack - one of the best butter chickens i have ever had - this was the place i first ever tried butter chicken. My wife had a grilled baby kingfish on a couple of occasions and said it was excellent. the only downer to this place was they charged for sunbeds - only 50rps each so nothing to get upset about (consider that in fuerteventura last year we were paying 15 euros a day for two beds and an umberella) Unusually this year there were sellers on the beach at Mandrem - i dont remember them being there last time we went.
Mojos - Next to MD arpora - I know I know - but sometimes i feel all indianed out! and really crave for something non spicey - this english type pub does some quite good food - we had the home made pies and i must say they were great - loaded with meat..my wife had the steak pie and it was filled with big chunks, i have the minced beef and onion and it was as good as i have had anywhere - accompanined by chips and either peas (garden or mushy) or Beans and with gravy (normal or home made onion) this made a tasty change - we had a just of their home made cider with it and i was more than happy for the night. The pace doesnt look that good and the owner hadrly welcomes you with open arms but the food was good. They also have a free library here where you can borrow books and swop for your own etc..they have a very large selection and a lot of the books were quite new releases.
anyway back to work - more tonight

What?? Sandy at MO JO's didn't welcome you with open arms?? Don't believe that!!
Great report Gaz - I've written similar things about Mojos in my report. The owner hardly moved from behind the bar every time we went in, although the waiters were chatty (especially the one who's the Man U fan). The only time Sandy spoke was on the last day when we took some books in!
i know thats exactly as he was when we were there - i thought miserable bleeder!

could you please tell me if the Silver Sands shack is near to the Silver Sands Holiday Village.
Silver Sands Beach Shack is at Baga and the Silver Sands Holiday Village is at Candolim.
Sorry about your experience at Floyds Hut.We always had excellent service there.We thought the fish was a bit on the expensive side as well and I think that is why they make sure you know the price so as to avoid the shock.
Agree after 7 is way overrated and has definitely gone down hill.My steak this year had been tenderised so much it was almost inedible.
Chef Souyemen has copied the formula and improved it.

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