Ooo la laa very swish prawn
Very posh
Sounds great, but isnt it hard having to keep hold of it all the time, doesnt it get in the way?
But Prawn, your avatar will not be the same without the big hat
hockey6 - I was bothered about that too but it is not like an umbrella which you have to hold 'up' and it is quite easy when you get used to it. Also, and this is another good thing, you can't carry all the other stuff that your oh usually passes on to you!

Come on guys, I'm not that dippy - honest!!! Or maybe I just hadn't thought of that one!!
I think that would look nice in black lace actually
Where did you purchase it, I may give one a go this year as I can't live without my hat as I burn realy easy and hats make my hair look as if I have been dragged through a hedge!! If I had a parasol I wouldn't have to dash across the beach to the sea to dunk my head in the water as soon as I remove my hat!
If I had a parasol I wouldn't have to dash across the beach to the sea to dunk my head in the water as soon as I remove my hat!
but what would you do with the parasol when you got to the sea?

I wouldn't have been wearing my hat if I had a parasol would I Shirley! So I wouldn't have to dip my head in the sea, so I could strut across the beach with my glam hair leaving my parasol on the sun bed
oh I see, that will teach me to read posts thoroughly. I thought you were dipping your head in the sea because it was boiling
prawn - I love the idea of a parasol, but being shot and dumpy, I'd look like an idiot with one. I'll have to stick to my cricket style hat
Hockey - I bought it off e:bay. There are loads on there but some are very expensive. Only paid about £10 for mine.
Will definitely be having a look, and yes I am shorter and dumpier than Helena but not going to let that stop me
We could start a new trend here! Lots of short ladies carrying parasols.
I love my straw hat which I bought years ago in a market near me. It has holes between the crown and brim so I can keep it on securely with large hair clips.
I forgot to ask do you pack it in your booked in luggage or carry it on the plane

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