I wasn't sure in which forum to put my question and I know we have written about this sort of thing before.
A work colleague of my husband has just returned from his first holiday to Goa. My husband had warned him to have a few £1 coins in his pocket to hand to the porters at the airport. The chap wasn't too worried after all what difference does a couple of quid make?
When he went to collect his suitcase he found someone sitting on it. He asked what they were doing and the chap told him that as his suitcase was so heavy, it would cost him £5 to take it off of him. Our chap complained to a supervisor who told him that this was true, anyone with a really heavy suitcase has to pay £5 to get their case back. He paid as he obviously wanted his case.
I have never had this problem.
Is this true or is it a couple of blokes trying their luck?
I know it is only £5 but as you are pestered by several people by the time you get to the coach/taxi, you could easily have to part with £10. How much would they expect if a family of 4 went on holiday.
I personally think it was someone trying his luck
What do you think?