Goa Discussion Forum

Discussions regarding holidays in Goa.
Re: Goa news
110 Posts
I've complied by applying for an International Driving Licence for the first time . Do'nt know about insurance but the Government makes no mention of it??
basically on the insurance front in Goa its the vehicle thats insuranced not you, my friend has had 2 accidents one involving a runnaway tuk tuk, driver failed to put on his brake correctly and the tuk tuk rolled down the pathway hitting the car in the side, damage was approx Rs3.000 he had no money and the guys hanging around had a whip round and gave him Rs1.500, so my friend was out of pocket, but if you call the police and make a complaint it will cost you money to go to court.
second accident was a young guy with his sister on the back of a scooter, he lost control and smashed in the front of the car, he drove off leaving his sisters handbag in the road..... A local guy saw the incident and knew these kids, he brought them to my friends house, he was under 16 and no licence, and of course no money... again another compromise he managed to get RS2.000 from somewhere, otherwise my friend was going to keep the handbag, mobile phone etc. this time she went through her insurance and the bill for this damage was Rs9.000 but my friends husband is indian so that makes a difference of course. just be very very careful and technically you do not need a international licence as india is apart of the geneva convention and under one of the traffic laws as long as you have a full licence of your country a international one is not needed, and this we have proved in a court of law after we had a accident.
if you are renting a (yellow plate) bike or car you are covered by their insurance but if your own vehicle (like us) you have to arrange insurance and emission test certifacates etc
sorry our posts crossed there poppetjay! ;) , but i disagree re licence you do need international licence and if stopped by the police they will NOT accept UK licence and will fine you. it might well (is infact) stated in the Geneva convention for the 168 countires that signed but you would have to carry a copy of that (Geneva convention) and argue the toss ... time consuming and possibly fruitless!!! ...is it worth it? the other option is to take your test over there then you do not need to keep reapplying each year for new Int Licence

well it has worked for me in the last 6 years, with no hassle at all and as i dont go back to the uk i cannot get a international license anyway, and unless you sre prepared to pay well over the odds to get an indian driving license i'd rather use this way any day.They do accept a uk license.
Thanks for the info Chilly and Poppetjay.I have never bothered with the Int.D/L but with things the way they are in Goa I thought I would stop one step ahead of the police, being a retired one !

I 'borrow' a bike from a friend and she says she has insurance and gives me some documents, but she has never had the yellow plate , although she did try but I think is was too much trouble and likely too many bribes.

In 10 years I have never been stopped, but theres no doubt it will happen this year and get fined for some reason ??? :duh :duh
Hi Rokerender
yes last season they started really hotting up on bike hire and anyone renting out has to have yellow plates or the bike will be confiscated if you get stopped!! papers or not!! but i think as you say if you just say its a firend 'lending' it then maybe thats ok? last year we passed a police check and there were loads of confiscated bikes!!!
Thanks for that Chilly, I think I had better go legal this year , I've got a feeling we , the British, may get some 'police agro' this year, after all that happened last year.
In fact I might get the bus :que
:rofl we do!! during the day its fun and cheap!!
If owning property in Goa was like this....

Mike and Chrissie: My English neighbours of Goa


I read that one on goanvoice Neil, nice to hear a positive view from a local, on British with property, and I'm sure there must be more like them. Did you read the other article, about the new Governer saying Goa must develop a World Class Tourism Brand ?

x lassi
Yes I read that.

and this Govt to advise Brit tourists not to hire bikes
http://oheraldo.in/pagedetails.asp?nid=7109&cid=2" target="_blank" rel="nofollow" class="break-word">http://
No mention though of the locals who think nothing of having 3 or 4 people on a bike; or carrying livestock; or a wardrobe etc etc etc. I bet their insurance does not cover them for that!

Just to make your blood boil - my friends have just come back from a 4 week stay at their property and the local news is that the Russians are being offered visa's on arrival and even up to 5 years.

That's certainly interesting. Money talks!
Certainly seem to be getting the carpet rolled out for them :think
After my earlier rant, I think I shall just keep quiet............
Decided that this will be my last holiday in Goa, only that I have booked it I would not be going but why should we have to put up with all the hassle and have to pay for it as well....jxk8
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