As Mike says sign the petition. Also tune in on line to BBC 4 Radio 12 - 1 to a consumer programme
called You and Yours, where the Goa purchasing property subject is being raised, and they are interviewing people from the BE site Keith Vaz, Goan Minister, and Goanvoice. You can pick it back up on line for 7 days after the broadcast.
The whole thing is very confusing. Everyone seems to have different ideas of whether they are ok or not.
I missed it today..but i think you might still be able to hear it via the pc! Radio 4 - THINK it was You and Yours...friend heard it and said it was VERY interesting!!! Off to look for it now! and 3rd letter down
Some interesting articles on the state of affairs in Goa at the moment, while I can understand the reluctance of some in Goa to allow mass sales of property in their state I also have this little niggle which is mentioned in these articles. I looked at a few properties in Goa a couple of years ago and now looking back, glad I didn`t buy, does anyone else feel that the Goans are getting all high and mighty about the land subject ? I get this awful feeling of being discriminated against and that Goans see their state as theirs and theirs only, even migrants from other parts of India are constantly being made to feel so unwelcome in Goa, so we are not alone in this.
Maybe the British government should threaten the same as suggested in the above articles ? oh hold on a minute that would be racist would it not ? maybe a little strong to say that but that would be the view from our Government.It is about time that the Goan officials realised that they are a part of India and not some super state within in which they can do as they please in order to line their own pockets. All this foreigners and migrant stuff seems to be filtering down to the majority of decent Goan people who now see us as an easy source of income to be used as such, anybody visiting Goa over the last few years and longer will testify the change of attitude towards us in this regard.
Some interesting articles on the state of affairs in Goa at the moment, while I can understand the reluctance of some in Goa to allow mass sales of property in their state I also have this little niggle which is mentioned in these articles. I looked at a few properties in Goa a couple of years ago and now looking back, glad I didn`t buy, does anyone else feel that the Goans are getting all high and mighty about the land subject ? I get this awful feeling of being discriminated against and that Goans see their state as theirs and theirs only, even migrants from other parts of India are constantly being made to feel so unwelcome in Goa, so we are not alone in this.
Maybe the British government should threaten the same as suggested in the above articles ? oh hold on a minute that would be racist would it not ? maybe a little strong to say that but that would be the view from our Government.It is about time that the Goan officials realised that they are a part of India and not some super state within in which they can do as they please in order to line their own pockets. All this foreigners and migrant stuff seems to be filtering down to the majority of decent Goan people who now see us as an easy source of income to be used as such, anybody visiting Goa over the last few years and longer will testify the change of attitude towards us in this regard.
Have a look at this article, could this be a chink of light at the end of the tunnel? I would like to think so, but I suspect it is just more politics.
There is an article on Arab Times online that is quite encouraging. It was posted today (2nd June) I would put the link on but I am new to this forum and so I am not allowed to put links on yet.
But you still have the problem of visas, if you are quite happy coming here every 6 months for a holiday thats fine but the indian government are hell bent on stopping any long term invasion hence all long term X visas are being stopped, which is not alot of good if you live here all the time.YOU may be given a year visa with the restriction of 180days which means leaving india at great expense. would like to hear from any FN who have a property problem, according to the Goanvoice he is representing many brits, russians and french people who have been summoned by the D of E already may be worth giving him a email.
May i add there is also many projects in goa that have actually been stopped by the government already, for various reasons, i,e. no planning permisson, false documents
http://My understanding is that as long as you purchase through a Company,which costs around £300 to set up,then you should be okay,but I could be wrong! The RBI must know what's happening as there are plenty of Brits buying. Why don't they stop it if they want to?
DON'T BUY OR BELIEVE ANYTHING Go over to India Mike's forums and read all about it (and here also). You would be absolutely INSANE
to buy any property in Goa. It will not be legal.
Why buy when you can rent!
DON'T BUY OR BELIEVE ANYTHING Go over to India Mike's forums and read all about it (and here also). You would be absolutely INSANE

Why buy when you can rent!
Go to the website below and you'll find it in "listen again". I think it is available for one week after its original broadcast (which was today-18 July).
For those that missed it, its repeated on Sunday evening. (I think).
Listen here
Just tuned in very interesting indeed.
What greatly annoys me is that there are still adverts for buying in India with little or no indication of any of the problems facing foreign buyers. I was infuriated to read an article in a leading magazine for buying overseas ( deliberately not naming it here) which said that you should "factor in" various laws and restrictions on ownership. How many more will fall into the trap?
Yes Fiona it is very frustrating and makes my blood boil. Ok if you are prepared to never own your property and only want it for a holiday home, there are so many people that have paid their money and the properties are not even built yet and the building seems to have come to a halt because so many locals are complaining about them begining built illegally etc
Has anyone purchased from Chris Gregory & Co? They were selling apartments via a building company called Ramcons in South Goa. If you have or know anyone who has can you ask them to please contact me by PM. We are putting together a list of 'purchasers' so that we can support each other and share information.
Hi All... I've just heard that Goa is closed on Monday.... Not quite sure what that means (probably no buses running, shops open etc)... All to do with this ministers son and the fall out because of it... If you're flying in on Monday good luck....! - No idea how that will effect you. Aparently everyone is going round with banners etc.... Anyone else know anything?

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