I'd never heard of them TBH, but I don't drink apart from a drop of brandy in my coffee during the winter months in Benidorm and maybe the odd glass of sangria or G&T and they take some getting down
After studying the ingredients, Berocca is a high vitamin/mineral supplement and contains the B vitamins (riboflavin) which is a water soluble vitamin and any excess the body doesn't need is filtered through the kidneys and expelled in the urine, the body can't store this vitamin hence the colour change in the urine, but your urine would naturally be more darker and stronger smelling if you are suffering from dehydration, that's always a good indicator whether or not you are drinking enough water per day . the urine should be clear (ish) and pale in colour.
You get a hangover because the more alcohol you drink (alcohol is a diuretic), the more dehydrated you become, which causes an electrolyte imbalance the sodium and potassium levels drop as well as other minerals.
Looking at the ingredients, the effervescent type contains 285mg of Sodium and the other tablet form does not, so anyone watching their salt intake should take note, also the effervescent type by being soluble is "instant" whereas the tablet would need to be dissolved and broken down by the gastric juices before being absorbed into the blood stream.
You'd think drinking water to replace the fluid would help, but if you drink too much water too fast you can make the problem worse by depleting the minerals, salts and sugar levels even more.
Nice and easy does it,
regular moderate amounts will slowly bring the equilibrium back to normal "¦why do you think we put people on a drip.? when in some cases we could just pour a bottle of water down their throats.? Well apart from the tissues not being able to absorb it quickly enough, it would have the effect of depleting more vits, minerals and trace elements by "flushing".
So yep, I would say this product may help you feel good/better because it also contains zinc and magnesium and apparantly the more the magnesium levels drop, the bigger the headache.
I wouldn't under any circumstances take more than one supplement a day, the vitamin levels are higher than the recommended daily amount (RDA) and too many vitamins/minerals can have adverse effects, the link clearly states that taking more than one tablet a day is not recommended and can be harmful.
Anyone who is a diabetic should consult their GP as they also contain sugar and sweeteners.
Potassium and sodium chloride control the balance of fluids in the body and a good source of potassium is bananas, so a couple of bananas will do you the world of good along with a bag of crisps and fresh orange juice.
But the bottom line is that there is no known cure for a hangover and it is the liver that has to eliminate the alcohol, over 90% is taken directly from the stomach to the liver via the portal vein, the rest is expelled unchanged through urine, sweating and the breath....so while you are walking around like a bear with a sore head, your liver is working double overtime and Berocca can't stop that happening.
Edited by
2007-07-19 23:46:19