Must admit i don't have a credit card nor do I want one,
Miss Pink, IMO: You're not missing anything......I have one and apart from using it for the protection when booking a flight or a holiday, I never use it, it never goes out of my house.
The whole system is wrong and I doubt lessons will be learnt.
When I say my OH was a banker, most people think we've never experienced poverty, they think of all the media reports of the obscene bank bonuses. I only wish !
My OH worked all his life for the Midland/HSBC bank and let me tell you that when he was seriously ill, they treat him like poo, they don't know what the word loyalty means.

He was of the old school bankers and when he saw the way the banking system was heading, he was glad that he got out, although the reason why he got out by nearly losing his life through high blood pressure is nothing to be glad about.
People wouldn't have this debt today, they wouldn't be able to put everything so easily on credit cards if they had to sit in front of my hubby with all their out goings and salary slips, because if looking at the figures he thought that you couldn't afford to borrow, then he refused you"¦...some people walked away and verbally abused him and others thought about it and said "thank you, you're right".
He got no bonuses because the industry wasn't target driven, he got a salary based on his grade within the bank and it was just as hard in those days paying a mortgage, bringing up kids and trying to have a holiday, and when we look back, we've gone without holidays and also gone on holiday and stayed in apartments that were death traps.
The downward spiral occurred when the banks brought in computers and they lost the human touch, and based on the point system the computer decides whether you get the loan/CC.
You get points for such things as having a landline telephone, your profession, your postcode, and whether you're paid weekly or by monthly salary, and if you reach the required points, then regardless of whether you can afford to pay it back, the computer says you get the money/CC.
If my OH didn't agree with the computer, he had to get in touch with head office and the response he got back from them was " how dare you go against a computer, just who are you to try and over ride our wonderful system, how dare you try and buck the trend "? So, in the end he thought "fine" let them have the money/card and he got more disillusioned day by day.
The industry became target driven, the more CC/loans/insurance bank employees sold to people, the more money they made and they couldn't give two flying ducks if you couldn't afford it"¦...they are not the ones left to pick up the pieces when people have had that holiday that they can't really afford....and don't set me off about CC's and students.
