We had the same thing happen to us a few years ago. In the matter of a couple of days someone had used our card details to order things off the internet - totalled over £3,000. Like many of you who have had the same thing, we only noticed when our card was refused. We bank with TSB also and it took about 2 weeks or so for the money to be refunded. Turned out it was a pertol station attendant had took the card details when we filled up one day. It's soul destroying because you are in limbo until the money is paid back into your account. Hope you get it resolved soon.
I have been told by some that it can take up to 6 weeks
I really hope it isn't that long, how awful!
i hope they catch the nasty b****rd that done this to you.
Thanks Loulou, and so do I! I think it would go someway to making us feel better

Turned out it was a pertol station attendant had took the card details when we filled up one day.
Was this person prosecuted then? Did the bank or police actually tell you this? I hope we find out...
And I completely agree about being in limbo. We keep checking the bank to see if the money has gone, because the worst thing is, at the moment it is just pending so we can't even see where it's gone!!

I can't believe how many people this has happened to. I guess we're all just another statistic!

If I remember rightly I don't think we were actually told who the culprit was, but being the persistent b@5t@rd5 that we are we continually phoned the bank and the fraud dept for information. At the end of the day we wanted to know who the scum bag was that had used our card information and money for their ill gotten gains. We were finally told that the fraud dept. had traced it back to someone who worked in a petrol station and that this was more than likely where the card details were taken and that action was being taken against this person. Even though we asked what petrol station, we were not given that specific information, so not only could we not avoid this petrol station in the future, we could not go there and kick ass either. It is sad that in these cases the culprit is still protected as they are dealt with in what seems to be secret. If we had not continually phoned and basically demanded to know where our card information had been copied we would be none the wiser today. All that seems to happen is the Banks do their investigations and if they find that you did not spend the money it is paid back into your account and you hear no more. Sorry but if someone does me a wrong I want to know who and where they are. We never got any further information from the bank or fraud dept. so we don't know if the police were involved or even what happened to the person who stole from us.
Hope you get your money back soon and keep onto your bank, at the end of the day it is them that paid the money out of your account.
Regards Jackie
Why can I type ass and not f r a u d?
Because in certain contexts the use of the word f r a u d could get HT into trouble
It just seemed an innocent word to me but obviously used in the wrong context it's not.
Rgds Jackie
Thats what p***** me off as well Jackie, I could tell the company exactly which shop my card had been clonned in. But were they interested, you bet they weren't just wack it on the interest rate and make us all pay. So much less hassle for them than sorting it out properly!

We are still pestering the bank, but still haven't got anywhere as the money is still pending so they can't tell us where is has gone to.

From the sound of it I don't think we'll find out who's had the money, but like a lot of you have said, it would be good to find out so that we could avoid the place in future!
The money still hasn't 'gone'!! The bank have said that a transaction has 5 days to go through otherwise it is just cancelled. That means that if it hasn't gone by tomorrow, we will get the money back straight away

We have found out where the money has been 'spent' and it is on an online betting site

We have contacted the police who have said that they will only pursue it if the money goes, as at the moment all they could do them for is deception!! I for one think that deception is bad enough, cos if he gets away with trying it this time he'll do it again.

All in all, we won't know anything for definate until tommorrow.

We have contacted the police who have said that they will only pursue it if the money goes, as at the moment all they could do them for is deception!! I for one think that deception is bad enough, cos if he gets away with trying it this time he'll do it again
I totally agree with you!
However, fingers crossed you come back on here tomorrow with good news!
Hope you come back on here tomorrow with some good news

With regard to the 'person' who used your card details - can your bank
f r a u d department not look into it and take action if the police are not prepared to. Surely someone has got to be able to do something to stop these scum using other peoples card details for their own gains. In cases where they are traced I would have thought it is the bank/police duty to press charges wether the money has actually gone or not - it wasn't through want of trying that this person didn't actually get away with what he intended. By not taking any action the police are just giving him/her a liscense to carry on doing it to other unsuspecting people.
Regards Jackie
even if the money has not gone through yet.. surely the police could do the little scumbag for intent???
The money has gone!!

The worst part is, we phoned the bank to get the ball rolling with the f r a u d department and have now been told more is yet to go!! Apparantly it was double what we were originally told. The fact that that kind of money wasn't even in the account doesn't seem to matter!
The original 2000 took all our money and maxed the overdraft, but the bank say that he spent another 2000 that day and they authorised it to go as it was done so quickly that they hadn't updated their system to show that the money wasn't there!!

This means that the extended overdraft they gave us to cover bills along with our wages are due to go any day now

They have told us that all of the payments went to the same online betting account and the ironic thing is that the company in question froze the account when they didn't get card authorisation so our money is just in no mans land.
I guess it is a little comfort that the culprit can't access it either, but that isn't going to pay the bills!!
Can this get any worse?!
If the online betting company froze the account does that mean then that he has not actually "spent" some of that money with them?
The police will have to get involved now. Hopefully this will all be resolved eventually- it just must seem so bleak just now.

Your bank has got to be held liable for authorising these payments, especially as the first £2,000 maxed out your account and overdraft. Most banks will notice if any unfamiliar withdrawals or transactions take place on an account and freeze it there and then until they have contacted you for clarification that it was actually you trying to make the transactions. This exact thing happened to us a couple of years ago whilst out christmas shopping. We had spent the day shopping using our debit card and I must admit we did go a bit mad but we had the money in the account. Later in the day we tried to make a payment for something else and the card was declined. We phoned the bank there and then to ask why as there were funds in our account, they stated that because a lot of transactions had been made already that day they froze the account until they could be sure it was us actually using the debit card. Surely if you don't normally spend £2,000 at a time on a gambling website should their alarm bells have not started to ring when the first transaction was made.
I really hope you get it sorted soon.
Kind Regards Jackie
yes my bank has contacted me several times just after a big payment request to verify that I did know about the transaction. I was also locked out of my online bank account when I had just tried to transfer a large sum of money to Lithuania. They had tried to phone first and I hadn't been in. It has made me feel secure until I found that someone else going through what sunaholic is, is with the same bank!
If the online betting company froze the account does that mean then that he has not actually "spent" some of that money with them?
Ys it does, but how much I don't know! The ironic thing is, he won. I reckon that shold come to us seen as though it was our card that made the payment!
Your bank has got to be held liable for authorising these payments
I agree! We have never used an online betting site and are certainly not the type of people that would spend 2 (or 4) thousand pounds at a time either!!
This really does beggar belief!
The ironic thing is, he won. I reckon that shold come to us
Now that would be a good outcome- I hope it was a big win!
Would be worth you paying the stake money for the bet if it was a big win

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