If you go on the First Choice website and click on the 'Holiday Village' - which is on the left column, you'll find it there. Its not called PP anymore, its now the Holiday Village Turkey. I think thats only been from this year, it used to be the Pegasos Palace and the Tropical next door.
She said that there has been talk that some countries are getting a bit funny about the fact that you are allowed 20kgs each and just say, for instance, you have a bag that is 22kgs and YOH has one that is 18 kgs, you are being charged excess baggage on your one even though the two bags together come to 40kgs!!!
She is wondering if this is why you have been given this information but in her shop they have not been told this and we go in 8 weeks time!!!
Southernbrummie: have just queried with my daughter (who works for FC) about the information you have been given re: case/holdall and she has told me that you are allowed 20kgs per person but no case/bag must weigh more than She said that there has been talk that some countries are getting a bit funny about the fact that you are allowed 20kgs each and just say, for instance, you have a bag that is 22kgs and YOH has one that is 18 kgs, you are being charged excess baggage on your one even though the two bags together come to 40kgs!!!
She is wondering if this is why you have been given this information but in her shop they have not been told this and we go in 8 weeks time!!!

If past experience is anything to go by, the safe in our room back in June 2005 wasn't bolted down to anything. I could physicaly pick it up and carry it. We are going back in less than 5 weeks so I hope they have got around to securing them.

We took a mixture of sterling and euros last time and am planning on only taking sterling this time as it's widely accepted.
can anyone clarify the safe situation please, i know some of you have been already this yr.
dont particularly want to carry round a lot of cash in the daytime.
also how much do you think we should take with us as we are all inclusive, but probably will do a few trips out.
We fly out on Monday and we are taking about £700 with us. I think its quite a lot but my husband said that for the first time we dont have to worry about food and drink so if we see anythiong we want we can get it and dont have to worry.
We were like you Stephie, I took plenty of cash because we had a couple of trips planned and the markets to visit. No matter how much you can get on AI, it is always nice to have a change and we ate out in Sarigerme a couple of times at the end of our 2 weeks just to break up the monotony. That is not a complaint by the way, it's just how we felt during the middle of the second week.
i agree, it will be nice to maybe eat somewhere else for a change. We plan to do a few trips and if we see anything we like we will get it. We have never done AI before so not having to worry bout money for food and drink all week will be lovely, and if we do run out of money we still have food in our bellies and a beer in our hands

My daughter is excited now by thought of those clip on wheelie things, even told me she wont be cheeky anymore if i let her have them

foxy-fosters and becks my husband will be chuffed, he will no dounbt take residence in the bar by reception then!
I'm a bit worried about safe situation now as was planning to take plenty of sterling and a wee bit of lira for taxis and tipping.
stephie-hope it all works out with your tickets, i'm sure you will be fine.Something similar happened to us when we went to Cyprus a couple of years ago, I panicked all the way to the airport and everything was easy, worried all the way to the hotel that they wouldnt have any record of us and it was no problem-I'm a bit of a worrywort if you hadn't guessed.

By last year all the safes were bolted down. The unbolted safes were one of the teething problems here. Not a problem now and also I never heard of any stealing from the rooms at this hotel.
Bullseye, you are on about recognising people from this site. When we went in the first year, we had talked with a few people on here beforehand but never agreed to meet or anything. About 3 or 4 days into the holiday, we were lounging near to one of the smaller pools at the Tropical(by the wedding gazebo) and got talking with 3 other groups. Amazingly, 2 of them had been on the site and were ones we had been discussing things with on this site. We had a great day with them and didn't leave the pool to stagger back to the room until about 8pm.
barnio, sounds great-real coincidence too in such a big hotel, bet you couldnt believe it. Meeting new folk really makes my hols, so hopefully be as lucky as you were. Might get a t shirt with bullseye on it!
The only difference between now and the first year was that it went ballistic on here regarding it being a new resort and not being fully ready for the "pioneers" as it were. It was quite funny really, we went in July when it was fully up and running. We got on the transfer coach and after the rep had intoduced himself, his first question to the whole coach was "Have any of you been on the HT website" and most of the coach stuck their hands up!! We had a good holiday though and from last years and this years reviews so far looks like the place is getting rave reviews. Have a great time although be carefull with the T-shirt as you may unwittingly get roped into killer darts..............as the target. lol.
sorry if this as been covered-we are travelling on monday to the tropical i have read on the forum about mozzie alarms?what are these and where can you buy these?roll on birmingham monday
I think my Mum got it from Tesco or Boots for about a fiver. You stick two AA batteries in it and then you have three different pitch settings. It's small and portable and can be carred and left on the table you reside on at night or in the amphithearte.
we bought an insect repellent wrist band for our son from asda. not sure if it will work but worth a try
When we went in 2005, we joined the long queue outside the airport to find out what coach we should get on and when we got to the from and told them our names and that we were going to the PP, they told us that another rep was doing a seperate check-in and we had to go and find her. Is it the same this year or do we have to join the queue?
we were told that when we have gone through check in just to look for the first choice rep who will be holding a clip board and she will tell us where to go.
I am new on here - it all makes great reading!
I have been onto Trip Advisor to read reveiws about the Holiday Village - we are going there next week, leaving on Saturday.
The most recent reveiw on Trip Advisor was really quite negative, especially where the food is concerned! The have also said there are a lot of things that aren't all-inclusive, like fruit juice at breakfast, a lot of the drinks at the bar (that they say that they have run out of the all inclusive drinks and you can only have drinks that you can buy) - has anyone else found this happening there?

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