Hi Everyone,
My fiance and i will be doing a split multi centred honeymoon in Aug 08 and will be spending initally 4 nights and then later 3 nights at the Conrad Sharm el Sheikh. We are just wondering what people's experiences had been with the snorkling?
As we only have 7 days - broken up into 4 days and then 3 days - we are unsure whether its worth doing the diving option or whether we should just do snorkling? As this is our honeymoon we are keen to see the beautiful reefs and fishes but don't want to waste time learning to dive if most of it can be enjoyed from doing the snorkling route.
Any suggestions would be fantastic
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Look at the photo gallery section and you will see the wonderful beach and photos of the reef.One of the mods,Pippy, has posted loads of photos on this forum,so perhaps someone can give you the link. I think its amongst the Conrad posts.The reef is just at the end of the jetty and the fish is amazing.I think you can see enough by just snorkeling here.
it may be a bit tight for you to do an open water course. you can do this in 4/5 days but given the break in your stay this may not be possible. you can learn at the centre at the Conrad itself.
if you find that it may be too intense for you given the timescale why not consider either a discover scuba try dive or the scuba diver course which can be done in two days and you can upgrade it at a later date.
Andy D
I agree with Pippy and altoman that the snorkelling at the Conrad is good! There is a jetty which takes you over the reef or you can even snorkle in the shallows and still see plenty of fish. Why not do your padi course on your next visit? Egypt is so addictive you are sure to go again!
Go for the diving, the Conrad has a good house reef both for diving and snorkling, We have been to the Conrad 4 times now, me for the diving and my wife for the

Andy D
given the time limitations ,if your flying between the 3 day and 4 day stopovers this would in reality give you 1 day out of the 3 day stop and 2 days out of the 4 day stop for safeties sake .under those circumstances and to avoid any problems i would go for the snorkelling ,which with the clarity of the water there is more than enough
Can any one shed some light on what we can expect from the Nile Goddess cruise ship booked through First Choice as I cannot find any information and am getting worried?
I met some people at the Holiday Village that had been on a cruise with FC.I presume it is the same ship as they spent a few days before and after the cruise in Sharm.They said the ship they had been on was dated but the food was fine.
I have since found that it seems Goddess cruise is an umbrella name The ships are called Orchid, Tulip and another which escapes me at the moment. Also found one review from last year confirmed boat dated but friendly crew and ok food. As we were given the opportunity of upgrading to a delux cabin at minimal cost I am hoping it will be at least equal to the standard cabin on the more superior ships.
Any way we are still looking forward to the hol. We have picked up lots of tips from this site and watchdog reviews site and will be arranging a number of excursions through local agents rather thean the tour operator.
FYI - anyone not been to Sharm / naama bay There is a road set back which runs along naama bay which is more like a duel carriage way. Try to make sure your hotel is on the beach side especially if you have children. It is difficult to cross and to wallk it in the summer heat is exhaustingt. Yes many hotels do provide a shuttle service but it is a hassle with children.
Re Sonesta club on far side of road - not to good. not a full AI service eg childrens ice cream and fruit juice have to be paid for, no crisps etc. Their sister hotel Sonest Beach much better in all aspects eg 3 pools, several eating places. Also Sonesta Club IA guests cannot acces Sonesta beach IA facilities including towels at the beach these have to be brought with you from Sonesta Club along with everything else you need from the beach.
The people we met who had been on the cruise had a fabulous time.They didnt know each other when they left the HV but came back firm friends.They all got dressed up on the last night at the HV in outfits they bought on the cruise for the Egyptian night.I would loved to have been on the cruise with them.The Conrad is a fantastic hotel with what must be the best beach and snorkeling in Sharm.
Thanks for all info. I'm off now to surf for more info on nile tours. By the way this site is addictive and the smilies are fun. My husband though I was going to stay up all night last night surfing this site.

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