I was wondering what sort of holidays other people get off work if mine is the norm or not
i get 25 days plus all public holidays
the same as me !!
but after 10 years service you get an extra day ...after 12 years service you get also another extra day ..and then after 25 years you get another 5 days ! so in total 25 years service = 32 days ( and public holidays )
lou x
not telling! It'll only make you jealous. Let's just say I work in a school. Seriously though it does come with it's own problems i.e. always having to pay top price for holidays because of never being able to get away "off peak".
it good to get lots of time off but you have to pay top whack for your holidays.
Feel like the poor relation here. I only get 20 days plus public holidays

I work for a company that repair water and gas mains and the gangs that do the repairs get 20 days but they have to use their holidays for public holidays and also save 5 days for Christmas

I too work in a school, only for 1 hour a day, but I dont get paid for any time I dont work!!!

I work in a hotel, get 20 days plus bank holidays but its simply not enough,but saying that i can have the time of when i want so there's good and bad.
I get 23 days and all public holidays but like benidorm90 I have to use 3 days for Christmas.
I get as many as I can afford - I'm self employed with my husband

Happy holidays,
Just feel sorry for our American cousins. Unlike the UK there is no laws governing how many holidays people are entitled to. Some only get two weeks or less .

Even in this country the statutory minimum is only 20 days, but that can include the 8 bank holidays, so employers only need to give an extra 12 days to make it up. (perhaps we should keep that quiet

Can't imagine any UK companies doing this though as they would probably not get anyone to work for them. Certainly not any holidaytruthers

Before I retired I used to get 34 days, plus bank holidays. If I was on standby/call-out on a bank holiday I used to get an extra day off in lieu for that. In the last year before I retired I also had 2 extra days a MONTH for "pre-retirement leave" .
Regarding some companies including bank holidays in the annual holiday entitlement, I believe the law has just been changed to stop employers pulling that trick. I think one of the offenders was McDonalds (surprise , surprise!)
I manage to take a two week break in May/June and another two weeks in August because when my job share partner is off on holiday I have to cover so sometimes instead of payment, I bank hours and use them during school holidays and emergencies, so I really think I've got a good deal here.

Hubby gets 28 days plus bank holidays but then he has worked for the bank since he left school. He will very soon get more though as he is taking early retirement at the end of the year!! Probably won't go away any more than we do now though as money will be a little tighter and we can't keep putting the cat into a cattery!!
I own a cafe so can take time off when I want. Sounds great doesnt it, but getting cover for holidays is a nightmare because I start so early in the morning. Usually talk my mum into taking over but unless rigamortis has set in I can never throw a sickie!
I have worked in a restaurant for 9 years (3nites a week) and get 4 weeks off....ie 3 days a week..12 days.....and i think im entitled to more for long service but only take time off if im actually going somewhere as i will loose out big time by not getting tips....nicole
I get 28 days annual leave, plus we normally get the bank holidays off unless we are rostered to work. The best bit is I work 6 days on then 4 days off constantly, so if we want away somewhere I tag on a few days to get a week off, My wife's boss is pretty good at letting her away, so we get away a couple of times a year over and above our main holiday.

My last firm was 20 days plus bank hols and it just wasn't enough. That would rise by 1 day per year up to 25.
Where I am now rises by 1 day per year up to 30 which is brilliant.

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