As you have probably read from the reviews Bulgaria is very cheap, but i think sunny beach is more expensive than the others, we still had change i found it hard to spend £650, i did take my bank card and some extra english but didnt spend that, we went for a week self catering 2 adults and 2 children, but everyone's holiday is different, we only went to waterpark once which was 100 lev, (28 lev for adult,16 lev for children) although i had to pay adult for one of my children because he was just over height limit.
Kids didnt want to leave the pool at the hotel so didnt do many trips, wanted to do khans tent but felt a little mean dragging kids along so asked them and they wanted to stay in hotel, so thats mainly why my holiday was cheap, and the food is cheap, djanny's is so cheap and nice, we had one night, 2 chicken meals with salad and chips, mish mash with salad (scrambled eggs), pizza+chips together with 2 pints of larger, tia maria, fanta+coke and when he bought the bill i couldnt believe it, 28 lev which i think is about £8/9, and when we didnt do eating out kids just eat pizza slices of the stand in the street which did look clean and were 2 lev, (50p) and they were huge,kids also loved the pancakes 2 lev we bought them from the store next to the funny pub, were we spend most of are time at night again there food was cheap, cocktails were buy 1 get 1 free and the music was brill (bit dancey).
Also try to avoid buying melons, hubby bought a melon off the fruit and veg stand, the next day he had the bad trotts, that was are last day and we wasnt going to keep the room on but because he was so bad we had too, and we know it was the melon because my son had a bite and also he was bad, myself and my other son didnt touch it we were fine,i had about 300 lev left over on last day so went wild,bought gameboy game 30lev, got tattoo 100lev, bought 3 t'shirts,belt,towel (huge versace one),man u towel, aftershave, little puppet for niece,and a few other little nik naks and still came home with 65 lev which i changed for £20 at post office. so all in all we did have a good hol and will be going back.