Spaldy said
Was there in March!
Is this it? Spaldy said
Shiley v. Did you go to Sihanoukville in Cambodia? Ocheutual beach puts Calangute to shame!

That's the one Betty

Betty Boop...What did you think? Did you enjoy it? I'll be back there in feb.

Putting it into perspective programmes such as "banged up abroad" and "big trouble in Thailand" do tend to show the sensational side of things and doesn't help to represent these places in a good light, even programmes about youngsters in Tenerife whooping it up and flashing their bits doesn't help a countries reputation; add all this bad publicity to the credit crunch, greedy travel companies and airlines reducing flights

Just booked for March 2010. Got a good price for a new hotel in Baga called the Nazri. There are obviously good bargains to be had but you just have to keep looking.
i'm going to Sihanoukville in Cambodia in November!! can't wait
mmmmmmm Candy that is very high on my list of places to go, looking forward to hearing all about it
Candy off to Sihanoukville myself in Nov 15th to 26th when are you there?
Sihanoukville... looks good. How far from the main airport?
It's about 3 and half hour's by coach.
All very interesting as we are thinking of going next year but it's time this thread was moved to the Thailand forum !!!!!!!
Or even give Cambodia it's own forum it certainly deserves it
It's got to be Thailand, Cambodia or Vietnam.
I'll be back to Goa in a few years, if it has cleaned up it's act.
Try a tour of Kerala if you haven't been. Wonderful and currently cheaper to fly to than Goa using Qatar.
Back to topic 'Is Goa pricing itself out of the market ?' ... Yes it is unless they clean the place up, I personally would pay more if the place was kept in order... but that's not going to happen. Goa is still VERY cheap, but I'm a great believer in 'you get what you pay for'. General hygiene and litter/environment issues must be maintained in Goa if it wants to get return tourists. They have had around 20 years + to develop tourism and the Govn' seems to have exploited it to the max. It is getting harder and harder to find a CLEAN area of Goa to chill out around.... sad to see moves around Morjim (North of Turtle Beach) towards over development.
I can't disagree that it is still cheap to get a 2 week holiday in the sun in Goa but what are we talking about the difference in price to go to Thailand... £200 - £300 per 2 week/person difference? Long flight.... Yes but Emirates is pure comfort.... Monarch .... the Ryanair of long haul... NEVER AGAIN.

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