We stayed at the green golf resort and i was very aprehensive about going due to the bad reviews which i had read. I contacted 1st choice and was told they have no probs with the accom and wouldnt entertain my concers about security etc. Also the day before we traveled i read another review which staed that there was buiding work on going oppostite the accom. I rang 1st choice the day before we travelled and was told there are no problems at all with this accom.
Upon our arrivial tha sliding door didnt lock, The was one of the balocony spindals hanging off!!! Both of these were fixed within the hour but after i had obviously wasted the first hour and a half waiting etc. After that there were at least 3 brake inns which we know about ans propably others which we dont. The was infact building work within 200 mtr of our appt and obviously some noise form this. To top off the end of a rubbish holl we found our apt totaly infested with ants and cockroaches and roar sewage in out shower tray after we had been out for the evening. The reception offred to change us for the evening but we would have had to have 2 sperate appts as they didnt have one apt for 4 people ready, it was after midnight so myself and hubby cleaned up the offending mess and got rid of the ants which took in total over 3hours. The next day i went to reception and complained again, the cleaners were there within an hour but we never heard anything else of the matter.
First choice have lied to me on more than one occasion, they have not responded to my concerns etc and we couldnt relax on holiday for security fears it was a complete waste of our mony. Is it worth persuing the matter or should we just forgett about it?
Any advice would be appreciated.