is it me or is holiday truths not as popular as it once was.
i first started using this site to research my holiday to majorca in 2005 i got hooked and not only read about majorca but i liked to visit most of the forums and most forums were busy.
06 we went to tunisia and i noticed that the site didn't seem as busy.
07 ibiza quieter still
08 we are going to the costa brava and i can go for days without seeing any new postings on the c/b forum but i also read lots of the others and in my opinion the whole site is very quiet i think the busiest is turkey.
at first i put it down to the time of year as why their wasn't much activity but its the 1st of july tomorrow so that excuse is out the window now.
still love the site though
my Greek forums are about the same as always, we have started getting less of the where to/what to questions and getting the we are back type post my busiest time is Christmas to end of may when holidays start
I tend to agree that most of the holiday topics that I visit are quieter these days.
we have 152 guest viewers just now. And this can go a lot higher. It would be nice of some of them registered and joined in.
Linked to this, if newcomers are finding the information is there already and that they don't need to post a question, then they don't need to register either. When I first started using this board, I didn't immediately register because there was so much useful information already there for me to browse. It was only when the first instance of me knowing the answer to a question posed by someone else arose that I bothered to register so that I could post them a reply.
I mod on a couple of other boards and we're pretty quiet for for this time of year and it's been that way since Christmas. It could be the credit crunch and not so many people taking holidays this year, plus the price hike of flights etc. putting them off going abroad

The stalwarts remain though

i too get frustrated when you go to the trouble of getting information for people and then you don't even get a thank you. hopefully it is rarer now.
again i agree with sma in that you see people posting questions that you know you have answered recently, and you wonder why you bother sometimes.
my pet hate is the threads that start
"what is lloret like at night; or
i've just booked this hotel, what is it like.
i will answer these if i'm bored at work, but rarely when i'm at home.
even worse in my opinion is people who take the information and links you have posted, after having done loads of research, and don't outright claim them as there own but don't give any credit to the person who originally posted the info(you can always just post a link to a previous thread).
after all the above, i do think the boards are quieter than in the past, but that may just be my perception. the costa brava one does seem quiet, but maybe its because not so many british are going there this year and those that are have been before and so know the score.
i still think that this is the best holiday site on the net, and the amount of useful and more importantly accurate information posted by the members makes it head and shoulders above other sites
The question I have an irrational hatred of is "Do I need a cardy in the evening". Some people really do need to be spoon fed!

I was reading a post the other day, where a mod had asked someone to post a review for a hotel. They indicated the last review was still theirs from last year, the mod said it would be great to update it though as people prefer posts with recent dates. As a newbie to the forum, I completely agree.
Maybe we should have a clean up and get rid of the old posts that don't actually contain any useful information so its easier to find what you want?? (Although I think I'm now going off topic

its always good to get constructive feedback.
It does seem quieter and perhaps people are becoming abit more savvy as to their holidays, and people going back to alot of places. I used to go on one other board but found so mundane, HT seems to be alot more friendly and really user friendly too. Still Dazbo seems as busy as ever doing his thing!!!
It has to be the best site I've ever come accross, very informative if you are researching a holiday, some threads have made me laugh out loud, some have made me think 'what a loser' as you can get some numpty's posting, trying to provoke an argument, but I quite like reading these posts ! some have made me sad, the poor people who have lost a loved one on holiday or are unable to go on holiday for this reason, but most of all I think its great that everyone is so friendly on here and you can recognise the user names and try and put a face to them !
I love starting new lighthearted threads and always get chuffed if anyone replies !
so, we should use H.T to our hearts content as the mods are good enough to give up their spare time to keep it going, so cheers mods !!!!!
any other questions i do my best to answere!
also, i think the reason the "turkey" forum looks the busiest is because all of turkey is packed into one forum, where-as the likes of the spanish countries covers so many different areas!
I am a new member on this site so find most topics of interest. Although I think its fairly safe to say most people will only read certain areas of interest to them. I find the most popular postings are of Benidorm, which is great for me personally as we visit there the most. Asked a question about a certain hotel on the Costa Dorada and have had no positive feedback but if this had been about a Benidorm hotel I feel sure someone would have been more helpful. Have become an addict now to HolidayTruths, is this a good thing or do I need counselling !
It gets worse cazB.
The flights section is as busy as ever. It's generally quieter in the winter months but from spring through to autumn, lots of activity! There seems to be a lot of new members lately as well which is always good news.

Selfish perhaps but I take quite a lot of time to answer questions where I think I might have something to offer and do get irritated by the thought that someone hasn't taken the time to check whether the information they are looking for is already on the forum before firing off a question and expecting people to reply.
I have to agree with SM here.
I also take a lot of time to answer questions where the subject interests me and I believe I have a lot of information to offer, I normally double check the information before I post it, as things can change from day to day...... what I knew to be true last month, may have changed this morning.
I normally stick in the Spanish forums, there is no point in posting in forums where I have never been to the country and likewise some of the places in Spain, I visited over 10/20 years ago, so my information is def "out of date".
I go through periods of activity where I'm all over this site like a rash, then I just think..."Hang on, if I can find the information, then why can't others" ? are they just being lazy and expect someone else to do the donkey work for them and give the answer to their question. ?...maybe other posters are going through this period at the moment and they will be like a rash all over the place, come the winter months, with experiences of their summer holidays...which brings me on to .....
People are out and about while the British weather is quite reasonable, those people may spend more time in front of a computer when the summer is over.
One classic question that annoys me, is when someone has already booked a hotel and then they come asking questions after already booking, and they don't like the information that you give them because they don't want to hear the truth, because it's too late.
I think what annoys me more than anything, is when someone takes the time to write a very informative post which is quite long and obviously a lot of time and energy has been put into it, and then it's ignored and falls on "deaf ears" or the poster of the information doesn't even get a thanks from anybody.
But, I tell myself that I'm not here to receive thanks and gratitude, I'm here because I want to be here and the moment I feel that I'm completely wasting my time, I will move on....oh and I don't like people who lift my links and trip them over to another site either, and then sit back and take all the glory from the other members

I think a lot of forums are quiet lately, could be down to weather or people on holiday, or like previous poster have said, perhaps everybody knows most things they want to know now.

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