Just got back from 3 weeks - first half with perfect weather, the last half with serious cloud and on our last night on Thursdsay - it rained!! That wasn't in the brochure!
Goa is changing fast - building everywhere. I realise I'm sticking my neck out saying this but the £299 deals are not doing the place any good. They're attracting the Magaluf type of tourist who seem to have little respect for anything other than their own self-indulgence. Teaching the Indian kids on the beach how to swear in English (and I mean swear!) is not what we should be doing - but it's what I saw some horrendously loud and vulgar people doing.
The Goan people don't deserve the bottom end of our tourists and I fear they will slide down market unless something is done.
Am I just an old bore or does anybody else see this?
sadly I saw it last season,where was you staying ?
The coarseness and lack of respect that I commented on was evident in many places and not just one. It certainly was not just young people. Much of it was from people who were definitely old enough to know better!
i havent been for 14 years and this is exactly what I dread. I was out in Florida in May and this was swarmed by the "Magaluf brigade too"..have stopped going to Europe for this reason.
It's rained again today, well spitted really... went down to Palolim for a rest and was a bit cloudy, but still got sun burnt.... Back to work now though....
No no no, not rain! I'm leaving soon, this always happens to me!
The sea was really strange too! When we were at Palolem (Monday 28th Nov until the Thursday) the tide was coming up the furthest the locals had seen in 7 years apart from the tsunami. There was talk of a cyclone that had caused the bad weather. Reading the newpapers we saw that Sri Lanka has been hit by bad weather..maybe this is the cause? Back at Calangute there were bad rips in the sea too and we heard of several people that have been drowned. We saw a number of people being rescued ...two people in the spate of 15minutes saved by Chilly's husband Mike!
Now I know why I don't go in the sea anymore!!!!
Rained again yesterday, on the way back from the airport yesterday apparently some people (including Shem222's mother) was caught in a shower... It's been nice and hot today though
Well I'm sat here with the sound of rain and thunder in the background and I'm in GOA!!! - MARCH 10th 2006! - The scarey thing is Shem222's mum is arriving today and each time she been it's always rained on the day she's arrived (for the last three times at least), the last time was in Decemeber, and the time before in Feb.. Seeming you can pretty much guarntee that it won't rain at this times, it's just too weird!!! - I should have been down the bookies and put some money on...
Anyway, at least it means I don't have to water the garden in the morning!

I sat on the verandha for about an hour from 2.30 - 3.30am, the power went off (naturally) and i just sat in the dark silence listening to the rumbling thunder and watching the palm trees against the blue/pink illuminated skies......wonderful!!
It's almost 1pm now and the clouds are still hanging around, theres a lovely cool breeze and everything feels fresh as a daisy!!
GFF xxx
is the rain going to carry on??? or is it just a few days of rain????
Rain stopped around 10am (in Mapusa), it's now warming up again, I'm guessing that will be it for a while, I guess you might be unlucky and have one mre day, but I wouldn't say any more....
(8 days to go!)
I was just thinking the rain will rejuvenate everything for when I arrive in Goa.
8 days for us to Mr Frostie !!!!!!
I think its rather disapointing that people think that the behaviour in the first comment is acceptable in Europe but not Goa?? Can anyone explain why that is?? as I think this kind of behaviour isnt really acceptable in any country.
here here !!! could not have put it better myself
is acceptable in Europe - I agree it's unacceptable anywhere.
As for the rain - you guys will have me feeling sorry for you! It's persisting down as I write this and it'll probably do the same again tomorrow. I might have a curry tomorrow night and it will cost me five times what you'll be paying and be half as good (at best).
I may also have a beer that will cost me three times Goa prices - served by somebody with a sense of humour failure instead of a friendly Goan.
I'll take the dog for a walk on the beach - with boots, anorak, gloves and hat. Oh yes, it's great over here! You don't know what you're missing!
Hi faye & Toe - I can't see where anybody says that poor behaviour As for the rain - you guys will have me feeling sorry for you! It's persisting down as I write this and it'll probably do the same again tomorrow. I might have a curry tomorrow night and it will cost me five times what you'll be paying and be half as good (at best).
I may also have a beer that will cost me three times Goa prices - served by somebody with a sense of humour failure instead of a friendly Goan.
I'll take the dog for a walk on the beach - with boots, anorak, gloves and hat. Oh yes, it's great over here! You don't know what you're missing!
you have me felling sorry for you now!!!, ill have a few king fishers for you when we get there on thursday (sorry)