Goa is not for everyone, the same could be said for Benidorm??. But certainly I respect your views as I saw a great change this year and many of your points are valid.
Like many on this forum I will return . We all hope that there will be change for the better , but regardless I will go back.
A friend of mine got back from Kenya 6 weeks ago (well before the troubles) and I asked how dirty it was compared to Goa and she said it was so much cleaner. So what's the big problem with cleanliness and Goa? Goans..... lovely but lazy! Dump rubbish anywhere!
I know exactly what is meant by "where the H..l have I come?" they were my exact words when I first arrived, (that was three trips ago). Thank goodness I had read and read this forum and went armed with pages of info. I personally would never ever book a holiday in Calangute or Baga for that matter far too in your face for me. I agree with the member who said to go to the abs. glorious beaches in the north and the south. through little villages past pristine white churches and temples. I admit the beach toilets are a horror that is why I never go (always makes sure I go before I go to the beach). People have got to remember that this is a 3rd world country and nothing like America (thank God). I also agree that they need to clean up a lot of areas. But each to his own or else we would all be meeting up in the smae place which would be rather crowded and boring. Cannot wait to return again
wasen,t for them,at the end of Jan we will be on our 6th visit and looking forward to being
back in a place we have come to love,made so many good friends there over the years,we
still holiday with the friends but not to Goa. It,s not for everyone!!!
I have always looked forward to going back, and was due to book Feb or March, at the moment I am undecided but think may well head south.
I will always love Goa, so many happy memories but the rose tinted specs came off this last visit.
We read so many "I loved Goa and can't wait to return" trip reports here on HT so reading one the total opposite is something new... if not a little upsetting for some members. Thanks for being honest!! Hopefully your posting will come in useful to others contemplating Goa as a new holiday destination. If only somebody from The Tourism Department could get to read this - maybe they would see that not everybody is willing to put up with Goa as it is today.......spiralling into a "has been" golden destination!!! The Tourism Department want 5* tourists, well they better wake up and do something quickly.
Goa is a culture shock to most first timers but usually by day 2 or 3 the love affair begins, I'm sorry that this wasn't the case for you. Unfortunately this season i'm hearing more and more people saying that they will not return - the numbers are already down this season so there has to be some truth in it.
GFF xx
You can't argue with much of what Denny says but somehow we suspend our normal critical faculties when we visit Goa. Can't explain it, but we do.

I was walking from the beach a couple of years ago after a day of Delhi Belly and remember thinking that I'd felt ill, was walking through some place that looked like Beirut on a bad day, turned a corner to be confronted by a dumping cow........ and yet I was discussing dates for our next visit. Weird or what

It's a love it or loathe it place.
I hate the crack head scum who are too lazy to dispose of their horrible disease infested needles in the proper manor. There is nothing more scabby than seeing a hypodermic needle on the beach. I have seen them every time I've been. Once at vagator and once at Arambol.
Also I wouldn't describe India as a third world country. It is a "developing country". Certain areas are less developed than others.
The only good thing about the BCC (baga calangute candolim) area are the restaurants and bars. But"¦ the draw for people to go to Goa IMHO are the beaches and shack life. There are much better places to go further north and in the south.
I'm going with 9 possibly 10 others in March and I'm expecting quite a few "MARK!!! Where the hell have you brought me!"'s during the course of the first few days. I'm sure everyone will chill after about day 3.
Really sorry you didn't enjoy yourself. Where in Wirral are you from? I'm from Hoylake West Kirby Area.
As you get over the Baga bridge I noticed there was an area that was full of needles and old vials. This was used as a dumping ground for nursing/doctors debris. I can only imagine that the syringes/needles were used for innoculations for kids/adults because there is no way that there are as many junkies as that in Goa. Hundreds of needles and empty packets. Always gave me the 'creeps' seeing all this rubbish disposed off in this manner.
And yes having 'DB' and feeling poorly in amongst all this dirt/chaos is never pleasant. One of the reasons I won't stay in a low grade room anymore, as there is nothing worse if you have to spend a few days indoors with 'sickness' in a bad room or a beach hut.
I'm sure some of them on the more youth orientated and hippy beaches will have a darker story behind them.
Even so this review hasn't put me off Goa. Bad points aside I still love it there.
As for your report, I'm glad you found J&A's. The food , surrounds and service are superb. Yes it will cost you £25 for a meal for 2 whereas you can go elsewhere and pay £5 but worth every penny.
You did'nt mention in your report where you stayed in Calangute.It sounds pretty grim if you were woken up to spitting sounds ! However, you have to ask what did you pay and what do you expect for that amount. There are some 5 star resorts in Goa if you are prepared to pay that amount. Then you needn't venture out of the hotel and certainly not have to rely on a sunbed on the beach. ( I think in my report I suggested that no one in their right mind would go down to their local recycling centre, drag a filthy old mattress out of the skips and lie on it for the day).
The Goa forum is one of the best supported on HT. Yes , one or two people take it a personal insult to their taste if you criticise things that they happen to like but the wider the views the better. I wish I could glean as much information about our next destination as I got from here. I will make a report though, and will try to highlight the positives as well as the negatives. From your report though Denny 3, you didn't mention venturing further than the Baga & Calangute areas and if that is the case, I can understand your opinion of the place but it is based on very limited experience and perhaps you should state that in your report..
If all the reports about Goan resorts and hotels etc., are only described in a good light it becomes a one sided representation that doesn't really reflect the whole truth so I am all for people sharing the good, the bad and the ugly.
It must be dreadful to be somewhere for 2 or 3 weeks that you find you absolutely hate.

For me though the other stuff such as lovely beaches, superb food and service, friendly locals and awesome sunsets more than make up for it

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