im off to tenerife in april with the family
ive had my passport since 1996, it expires in oct this year, my 2 kids are under 16 and are both on my passport
i just read here http://www.eurosol.com/consul/ that kids need their own passports now to go to tenerife.
Is this right?
do i now need to get them both passports or will they be ok on mine until mine needs renewing in october?
thanks in advance
great forum by the way
Hi muzzyboy, I spent many years working in the Passport Office (latterly in another Home Office dept.) and yes,you do have to get the kids their own passports now. I'd advise you to get your applications in nice and early before the mad rush starts.You'll need completed and countersigned application forms,each childs birth certificate,your passport, (since they've been on that previously) and 2 photos of each child,one of each has to be certified a true likeness, on the back, by the person who has countersigned their application forms. Don't forget the painful bit...the fees.!! Also,re:your own passport-- you need at least six months validity remaining on it,on the date of return. Hope that's been of help to you.
it clearly states on the passport web site here http://www.passport.gov.uk/faqs/faq.asp?strAreaNo=321_1&intelement=165 that kids only need to have their own passport if you have had it since after october 1998, ive had mine since october 1996.
Also, ive read that for spain there is no 6 month validity period from your return date, in any case thats not an issue as mine has 6 months and 1 day to go on my return date.
im phoning the spanish embassy tomorrow to clarify the kids issue as ive read conflicting information.
anyone else like to make an input? [/url]
God! It's not been that long since I worked there, too!! Most kids change so much,between the ages of e.g.2,3,4,or 5 and 12,13,14,or 15 that often the parent has got them a passport in their own right,within the ten years validity.Quite right to check again,things are constantly changing.:
Added to my previous post,as I was just thinking about how the children may or may not be recognisable from their photos in your passport.(having photos included,used to depend on what type of passport they were on) I'd check with the Passport Office,or the Spanish Embassy ,as they are usually the ones in the know,and will have much more up to date info. than me
Maybe you would be better calling the passport office helpline to clarify and take the full name of the person you speak to when you call in case you encounter any further problems once you have applied. Considering that you only have 6 months left on your own passport when you return you would probably be better getting all of your passports renewed now, getting the kids there own and yours updated for another 10 years. The passport office add on any additional months you have left when the issue the new passport to you.
They do give you some extra validity,and if you decide to take the good advice of Nichola,and re-new now,my first reply will DEFINITELY help with that,if that's needed. P.S.The telephone number of the Spanish Embassy is 0207 5898989.
so i guess im fine with my passport then
cheers, hop this helps anyone else that encounters the same dillema
1 more note for fiona - i guess you dont have kids, because when you have children on your passport they dont have photos of them, just there names and ages.
However, unlike many countries, there is no minimum passport validity requirement by Spain (incl Balearics & Canaries), other than that your passport should be valid for the duration of your holiday. Some tour operators and airlines may supply different information and state a minimum validity period of 3 months, 6 months or 9 months. That is not a legal entry requirement for Spain, and it may just be misinformation on the tour operator or airline's part. But if it forms part of their booking conditions, it is something which would be best complied with.
Sorry,but my sister is still in possession of a cancelled "Old Blue" passport with her kids photos on it!! Funny that??. Maybe the requirements have changed since then. I know my memory isn't as good as it once was ,but I didn't think it was that bad Glad it's not an issue for you anyway. Apologies for any "out of date" info. Was trying to help,honestly! Have a good holiday.
The Embassy is probably closed due to today being a holiday(Three Kings) in a lot of European Countries.
Judith - 3 Kings Holiday - Sorry, never heard of that either! Some people will make anything up to have a holiday - like the yanks and Thanksgiving!
That was the official name for the black passports...
ok now i am confused!
Don't blame you! 16 years of slogging in the Passport Office affected me a bit like that too.
3 Kings / Los Reyes is in celebration of the three Kings (or wise men)arrival in Bethlehem to visit Jesus. It is when Spanish children receive their presents and largely equates with our Cristmas day. I have been in LC for this festival and the parade and celebrations in the church square on the eve before were unforgetable.
Judith - 3 Kings Holiday - Sorry, never heard of that either!
January 6th is a bank holiday as Joella says it is bigger than Christmas Day in Spain. Just about everything closes.
Can we get back to the original topic on passports for kids please and discontinue the Three Kings discussion. If you wish to continue on the Three Kings then I can split and make a new topic.
I went in August with both children on my passport and no problems what so ever. If you were travelling to America they need a passport of their own due to changes with visa etc. You should be fine. I was stopped in Tenerife by customs officials wanting to know where the passports were. Just a quick they are on my passport and they waved me through.
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