Hi C Taylor and Kelly Marie
I have heard from Thomsons tonight and they have told me F/C is now sending all my money to them. They will then do an urgent refund for me.
At least thats sorted. They have faxed F/C a letter from me stating that I have taken the holiday under duress and will seek further compensation through the courts.
Thomsons also told their representative that I was going to do this. I am so angry at the way they have treated us all and I feel that we should all definately club together to get what we deserve. They should have given us another holiday for the same price and then paid out compensation. Not been greedy swallowing in up to pay for the now more expensive holidays. They didn't even give them to us a last years price with the free kids offers. If I had booked the hol I am going on last year I could have saved about £500. So I want it back!!!!!!!!!!!
I also lost out on my £179 free insurance because I had to book direct with F/C to get the internet price and they have had £9000 of mine. Making me pay twice while they sorted the money from my first holiday. Added to that I have spent months worrying and five days permanently on the telephone sorting this mess out.
I fly in two weeks and have yet to look forward to my first holiday in four years. Lucky for them they are not in front of me cause I would deck them with great pleasure.
Tommorrow is a new day lets hope with some releif and sunshine!!!!!!!!!!!!