it would be easyer to watch the UK airport arrivals board it will give an ETA based on departure times /wind speed etc
yes but they are only showing up times of arrival until 10.30ish - want to be able to see it from both ends! They are due in at about 3am and we want to get some sleep first, if possible!
which airport do they depart/ which airline/flight no/ and arival airport i will see if i can find info for you
it is First Choice, leaving Larnaca - flight no FCA 5347 due to leave at about 12.30am (their time)
which aorport are they due to land at
sorry - luton
the scheduled flight time is 4hr 30 mins we have done this in 4hr 10 mins
first choice are resonably punctual so if they depart larnaca at 12.30 local time that would be 10.30 our time allowing for a 4hr 30 min flight would give an aprox arrival time of 3AM
as luton is my local airport and its not unusual for cyprus flights to be early
i would aim to get there at 3.20 and allow them 45 mins to clear passports and collect baggage from landing
sorry its not a garenteed calculation .depending where you live i would try to sleep till about 1o/c then check the luton flights board
we are in luton too. Have just had a text to say flight is on time! Shame - we were hoping for a five hour delay!! Thanks for your help anyway.
no problem but next time you want flight/airport/ information please ask on the flights forum we have some brilliant members on there, i only spotted your post whilst doing my last check of the night ( i get up for work at 3.30 in the morning)
will try and remember! many thanks once again!
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