Dramatis personae:
Sancho - me
SWMBO - She Who Must Be Obeyed - my partner
MIL - SWMBO's mother, aged 75
R - SWMBO's grandson, aged 22 months
J - SWMBO's sister, resident of Henderson, Nevada
A- J's husband, American
K1 - K6 - A & J's 6 children, ages between 1 year and 14 years
Alarm woke us at 3 am; we had to leave by 4am, to collect MIL and R, for the 130 mile drive to Manchester Airport for our Mytravel flight to Las Vegas departing at 9.15.
Duly collected them both, but I was then worried by the car, as it was revving wierdly. We had travelled no more than 5 miles when it was apparent that this vehicle was not going to get us to Manchester. Decided to turn round and swap into SWMBOs car. At this point the clutch totally gave out on us, and the car was totally immobilised.
Frantic phones calls later and SWMBOs daughter, luckily in the country (she normally lives in Holland!) arrives and we transfer into her car. En route to the airport, I'm on the phone firstly to the recovery service, who confirm they have collected the car, and then to the garage who will be receiving it. All sorted, we arrive at Manchester and check in on time.
Flight leaves on time and arrives 20 minutes early at McCarran- hurrah!.
In that interminable queue for Immigration and Border Control a passenger from another incoming flight rudely pushes shoves and elbows his way through the orderly queue. By sheer mischance we end up in the line behind him. His paperwork is not in order and he is refused entry into the USA, and is hauled away for interview. All this takes so long that we are quite literally the last people to clear Immigration. Thankfully this also means our baggage is there ready and waiting for us.
Outside, A is waiting for us. He is taking MIL and R to stay with them in Henderson, while SWMBO and I have opted to stay on the Strip (while, of course, visiting them frequently) A kindly diverts via the car rental facility for us to collect our pre-booked and pre-paid hire car.
Inside the shiny new car rental facility, all rental desks bar one have have tiny queues. Dollar Car Rental has a queue of (I know, because I counted)34, and a grand total of 4 clerks working. Guess who we booked our car rental with? yep, Dollar.
After a wait of (I jest not!) 1 hour 40 minutes we finally reach the head of the line. Although we have booked and paid for the car hire on line, and the UK Dollar website insists that the price we paid is "all-inclusive" the clerk, a pretty, Chinese-American lady tries to upsell additional insurances. We should have PPP and recovery insurances. After a deal of wrangling, we decline the additional insurances.
On a previous trip, we had used Enterprise; on returning their vehicle they had offered a free upgrade on our next rental. As we had used Dollar on our last trip, in April, I thought it was worth asking about a free upgrade this time. At this point, the discussions take a totally bizarre turn.
Having asked her whether a free upgrade was available, the clerk suddenly switches into "no speakee Engrish" mode. "Wah-huh? You wannee upglade? I no unnerstan'........." After two or three attempts, I give up, and she switches back into perfect almost accent-less English. As I say, bizarre.
Out in the garage, we are left to our own devices to select our vehicle for those parked in the mid-range section. A poor selection is available, with no Chrysler Sebrings (which we had selected)available. We initially select one car, only to find it full of rubbish and litter inside. In the end we settle for a Dodge Avenger, which was in dire of a good clean.
Eventually, almost three hours after landing, we are en route to our hotel.
The hotel: Let me make it crystal clear at this point, that we deliberately chose to stay at Circus Circus. We are not skinflints; we are not deluded; we were not missold the hotel. I like the place, and, I have to say, from our previous stay in April, I noted some improvements. They are refitting and refurbishing the Main and West Towers. On more than a few occasions I had to sidestep staff shampooing carpets. Cleaners are very evident, particularly in public areas sweeping rubbish and emptying bins.
We saw no piles of rubbish, no pools of vomit, no mess, no uncleared glasses and bottles and - yes, I know its a joke - no clowns on the headboards.
So after an eventful first day, we were finally in Las Vegas!
So, after a quiet evening (signed up for the new CC players card, and was pleased and gratified to be told that we had $37 in credits from our previous trip, on the old One Club card) playing the slots, we retired quite early. We had asked for, and got, a top floor room (29th floor) with a Strip view, and the view was certainly good next morning. Progress already under way on the new Echelon site next door, and views right down to The Venetian, The Palazzo and beyond.
A hearty breakfast in The Casino Cafe, then picked up the car (we always valet park - the only time we didn't we couldn't remember where we parked, and spent 45 minutes searching!) and off to Henderson to see the family.
K6 - the eldest, now 14 - has grown tremendously in the 6 months since we last saw him, and now easily tops his mother. He is soooo much more mature too.
A enjoyable day with the family, then back to the hotel, for dinner ( The Garden Grill, excellent ribs!) and then onto the casino floor. Played BJ for a couple of hours, on the Queen Jack side bet table. (You bet a side bet of $1, and if your first two cards are a Jack and a Queen, you push the button to win a bonus award)
My J/Q combination duly turned up, I pushed the button, and won $40. The dealer then tells me that the machine randomly picks one winner and if you're that lucky one, it doubles your bonus win; and I was that lucky person, so my $40 became $80!!
The J/Q combination came up again,(for $45 this time) so, along with a few lucky hands I quit the table when I was $200 ahead.
Friday morning, did a little shopping (SWMBOs daughter who came to our rescue on day 1, wanted a new pair of Crocs) then back to pack, as we were all (all 12 of us) heading off to Anaheim and Disneyland that afternoon.
After an uneventful 4.5 hour drive we arrive in Anaheim, at our hotel, the Best Western Raffles Inn, two minutes from the Disneyland main gates.
A perfectly acceptable, pleasant little hotel, and we slept soundly.
Saturday morning, up bright and early for Dsineyland. It was cold and wet ( whatever happened to "seems it never rains in Southern California"?) After a few minutes, though, the rain stops, and the sun breaks through.
I was not at all keen on this trip initially. I'm 54, and going to Disneyland? Puh-lease..........
As it turned out, it was really rather wonderful. OK, it is relentlessly cheerful, but all done with a certain panache, and the 7 kids loved it.
We stayed for the Grand Parade, well worth viewing (although R, K1, K2 and K3 were all fast asleep by then) and for the final fireworks display, which, again, was really well done.
So, all in all, a resounding YES for Disneyland.
Next morning, we dropped by the Disney-owned shopping mall, done up like a smalltown USA High Street (totally false, A advises us)before heading off to the coast and Laguna Beach.
Laguna Beach was exactly what I expected of a Southern California beach; a wide curving bay of yellow sand, breakers rolling in, palm trees and expensive houses lining the Bay. the kids, of course, loved the beach, and the adults sprawled lazily on the sand, doing nothing very much.
The sea was cold, with a capital C.At least I can say I've been in the Pacific - if only for 10 seconds.
From the beach, for a meal. A takes us to a diner, which, although not original, he claims to be a pretty good reproduction of a 50s diner - Ruby's one of a growing chain across the States. Yes, it was fun in a cheesy smaltzy sort of way, but I wouldn't go out of my way to find one.
Then the 5 hour return drive. The traffic is horrendous, both returning to Vegas and back into LA. We arrive back at the hotel - having dropped MIL, R and K4 back at Henderson) at about 11.30. To tired to even drop a coin in a slot, we head for bed.
Next morning, we oversleep. Wake up, and despite the heavy curtains being drawn, it seems too bright. Blearily look at the clock-radio-alarm on the bedside table......9.20.....
Coffee, in vast quantities, seems the order of the day. We head for the Casino Cafe, for some decent food and where we know the coffee comes in huge jugs - three large cups each, all for a princely $2.50. The queue is right up the stairs from the cafe and out into the slots. Problem with the Casino Cafe is not lack of space, but lack of staff. If they had more staff clearing away and taking orders they wouldn't have this queue.
The Manager starts busying himself with reducing the queue, and soon we are sat. Sadly, that's all that happens for the next 25 minutes - we sit. Eventually, getting hungrier by the minute, I grab the manager as he passes and complain that no-one's been anywhere near us, let alone taken the order. "no problem" he says, "I'll take your order". We order, and - this is important - he doesn't write it down.
Two minutes later, two CUPS of coffee arrive - not big enough to drown a flea in, let alone satisfy my caffeine cravings. We ask for, and eventually get a jug of coffee.
Ten minutes later, the food arrives. Unfortunately, it wasn't what we ordered. After nearly an hour I can't be bothered sending it back so we eat it.
On the way to the valet parking, I stop off at Guest Relations ( of whom, more later!) and complain about breakfast. A very helpful guy called Dave, hears me out, and offers a complementary dinner in the Garden Grill that evening by way of recompense.
Satisfied with that response we go and whistle up our car. After a very long delay, the car appears, but the valet says " I should get this car looked at if I were you; the brake pressure warning light won't go out".
So, we troop back into the hotel, as, thankfully, Dollar have a desk at CC. A kind and sympathetic Dollar clerk swiftly arranges an exchange. We go and look it over(another Dodge Avenger, red this time, but CLEAN)and accept it. Some attempted retail therapy follows as we continue our search for those elusive Crocs ( why does she have to have such odd-sized feet?) Very impressed with the Galleria Mall on Sunset and Stephanie.
Back at the hotel we change and head up the road to the Stratosphere. Much is talked about 'the area'. My view is that, with the exception of the bridges by MGM and NYNY, it is the only places I have seen beggars; the only place I have seen homeless people with their shopping carts, and the only place I have passed crowds of youths hanging around in clouds of cannabis smoke.
Into the Strat; never been there before and for a 'budget' hotel, quite like the look of it. Up the tower, for their spendid views of the Strip abd LV generally by night. Then we see the rides. Frankly, there is not enough money in Vegas to persuade me onto any of them!
Back to the hotel, for the comp'd dinner. we didn't go mad on the menu, but equally, didn't stint ourselves either. A hour or so's BJ then off to bed. Hotel and casino very quiet; favourite slots unoccupied, by no means all the tables open, and seats easy to get my favourite BJ table.
Up bright and early for our two day trip to Grand Canyon, South Rim. First stop, Boulder City, for a snack and a coffee. I love this place, so quiet and laid-back, and so unlike the hustle and bustle of LV.
Next stop the Hoover Dam. We've been here before, but this stop was to get the photos I managed to foul up last time, by having the camera set on movie and thus I had lots of quick shots of the dam, and then a fast sweep to the floor to show my feet!
On then to Tusayan, just south of the Canyon park entrance. We paid and went into the park; we explored the msart and well planned visitor centre and had a quick look at the Canyon itself.
Then back to Tusayan, and our overnight hotel, the Red Feather. Surprisingly the room was virtually identical to our room back at CC. Checked in then walked up to the National Geographic visitor centre.
Some excellent exhibits, and the IMAX cinema is a must. They say the Grand Canyon film is the most-seen IMAX film ever and having now seen it, I can see why. If you haven't seen it, you MUST!
From there to find some food. We went to the Spaghetti Western, an Italian restaurant staffed by native Americans (!). A great meal there, then a stroll back to the Red Feather and bed.
Next morning, back to the Canyon. We explored all the shuttle routes, getting off at all the suggested viewing points. I had seen the Canyon from North Rim a year ago, but the South Rim totally surpasses it. Words are inadeqaute to describe the place.
Most of the shuttle drivers are friendly, knowledgable and chatty, over their PA systems through the busses, although we were glad to leave on bus where the driver's commentary was nothing but an exhaustive list of what you can't do on her bus.
Leaving the Canyon Park at about 3pm, we made our way back to Vegas, via the Dam, getting back about 7.50. A shower, change of clothes, then into the Casino, with sadly, $75 losses!
Next day, back to Henderson, for a day with the family, and some more retail therapy for SWMBO, albeit at Wal-Mart and Target!
Friday, I suggested that we get some reduced price tickets for a show, and SWMBO dispatched me to the booth at the Fashion Show Mall at 11am to see what I could get. After over an hour's waiting in line, I got tickets for "Phantom of the Opera" at the Venetian.
Or, rather, what I actually got was vouchers for tickets. The voucher had to be exchanged actual tickets at the Venetian's box office before 1 hour before curtain up. I decided to go down there now and get the actual tickets; having reached the Venetian, I spent many curious moments searching for the box office I found it. I joined the queue, only to find out that (despite what the sign said) Phantom tickets were only available from the dedicated Phantom box office. After a further search through the Venetian, I found the right box office and finally - two hours after setting out - got my tickets, for the 7pm show.
We took the Deuce bus down the strip to the Venetian. Arriving somewhat early, we thought about a drink, but couldn't find a simple straightforward bar, so sat at some slots, played a while, and got some drinks from the Cocktail waitress (and won £55 in the process!)
Thence into the specially built theater for the show. I was pleased to find that Anthony Crivello was Phantom that night; I have seen and heard him before and like him very much.
Much has been said and written about this production. All of it is true, it is spectacular, over-the-top wonderful and the orchestra is magnificent, caressing ( as Lloyd Webber put it in the programme) the score. Crivello was superb, and the 95 minutes of the show simply flew by.
Really enjoying your TR so far and can't wait for the rest. Many thanks for posting. We'll be back there in 6 days time!
SWMBO said "OK, we'll get the Deuce down as far as MGM, then walk along Tropicana, it's only a couple of blocks along". So Deuce and walk we did........except it's not a couple of blocks....it's literally a couple of MILES. eventually we arrived, and it is packed to the gunwhales, shoulder to shoulder. We squeeze in somehow - heaven help us all if there's a fire - and find a vantage point to watch one of the large screen TVs. The atmosphere is brilliant, evewryone friendly, lusty singing of the National Anthem and of course of "Swing Low Sweet Chariot".
No chance of getting near the bar, so it's a case of tap the shoulder of the further person away from you, and nearer the bar, and pass drinks and money back and forth.
Well, of course, as is well known England lose. Their demeanour in defeat, and their acceptance of that dubious "no-try" decision could teach the soccer team a thing or two.
Slightly deflated, we leave, and decide to take a bus back to the Strip. In the event a taxi hoves into view and we ride back to CC in comfort and speed.
Unsurprisingly, we sleep late on Sunday. A quick flip down to Henderson, to see the family, and back to CC by lunchtime as we have booked for the Sunday Brunch in The Steakhouse.
Or, rather, we thought we had booked, but my name has mysteriously vanished off the list when we present ourselves at the door. No matter, they graciously sweep us in and seat us.
This was, quite simply, one of the best meals of my life. The staff were attentive, yet unobtrusive, keeping the champagne flowing ( the real McCoy, one of the other diners quiered whether it was French champagne or 'sparkling Californian Chardonnay', whereafter the waiter made a point of showing the label)
We had sumptuous seafood - including a divine garlic and lobster mashed potato they can serve me in heaven - sharp French Onion soup, a filet mignon to die for, and some gateaux which was superb. Finally replete, we were astonished to find we'd been there for a tad under three hours. The best $32.95 you'll ever spend in Vegas, believe me.
We rolled around the casino, with distended bellies even managing to retire to bed having won more than the cost of that Brunch. What a lovely day!
We spent most of Monday in Henderson, with the family, doing mundane family stuff, looking at holiday photos, doing some food shopping at Wal Mart and so on.
Monday evening, showered and changed, we again hit the Deuce, down as far as the Bellagio. We got off the bus, just as the fountains burst into life, so stopped and watched. then, over to road to Paris, for the ascent of their Eiffel Tower.
I was disappointed with the Paris casino. Although they have the trompe l'oeil ceiling (Like the Venetian and Ceasars Palace) try give the outdoor look, it is spoilt somewhat by the legs of the tower.
We pay our $9 each and ascend, in a curious triangular lift. SWMBO doesn't really like heights and spends the trip with her face buried in my shirt.
This has to be the best Strip view around. we lingered to enjoy the Bellagio fountains from a different perpective, and studied the night views up and down the Strip.
Emerging from Paris, we decide we're hungry(-ish)- not ravenous, but certainly in need of something. We stroll up to the Venetian, up to the food court on the Grand Canal shops, and order from Panda Express. OK, it's fast food, but their Orange Chicken is yummy!
Back at CC, SWMBO joins me at the blackjack table, this time the Wheel of Madness side bet table. In her first three hands, she gets 3 Blackjacks, and pushes the button to collect each time. We play on, quietly winning small amounts, until with a start, we realise it's 3am! Off to bed, methinks, me up some $150 SWMBO ahead by a splendid $220.
Tuesday is our last full day. A morning visit to henderson, to sort out whos bringing MIL and R to the airport tomorrow. Back at CC, we laze by the pools for a couple of hours. The pools aren't large, aren't brilliantly placed, but the sun is hot, and the loungers comfortable.
Late afternoon, we pack our bags. We visit the Players Club desk to see how our points have benefitted us. We find we have $140 in either food or room credits, as well as $74 in free slots play. We have the $140 allocated against the room bill, and the free play set at $37 on each players card.
Then we go to Guest Services (remember them?) to settle up. We don't ever charge things to our room, so we can settle the bill tonight to save time tomorrow.
We have a mental idea of what the bill is, less our original deposit, less the $140 comp, and are surprised when the figure we are asked for seems markedly different. the desk clerk, with a superior smirk across her face, won't discuss it, or even explain how the total is made up. Her attitude is "that's what my computer says your bill is, so that's what you pay"
I suspect that they are trying to charge us at current room rates, not at the rates we booked at ( they did rise in between) so I troll all the way back to the 29th floor to get my printed booking confirmation.
When I get back the smug clerk has disappeared and SWMBO is fuming, having continued to try to get a breakdown out of her.
We approach a different clerk, who is, thankfully, very helpful. Their figure was correct, but at least we can see how they arrive at it, which satisfies me. I am however still furious at the earlier clerk, and decide to complain about her........ except I didn't remember her name.
At the very moment she swans past. I ask, politely, for her name. "Why?" she demands. "Because I am going to make a formal complaint about your attitude" I tell her. "It's Ana," she says, and then smirks, "shall I write it down for you so you know just who to complain about?"
I seek out the front desk supervisor and tell her my tale of woe. She listens, but whether it will do any good, remains to be seen.
Back in the casino we try the Wheel of Madness BJ table again. I groan inwardly when the dealers change and Rudi takes over. She's a delightful, friendly, pretty girl - and the luckiest dealer I have ever encountered. If the dealer has soft 17, and hits, she's the one guaranteed to draw a 4.
Sure enough we lose. I'm down $60, SWMBO is down $50. So we abandon BJ and go to play our free slot credits. Knowing the machines will only pay actual winnings, we decide to hit the payout button whenever there's a reasonable amount.
By the time our $37 is exhausted, I have 11 tickets, and SWMBO has 7. We feed them back in to consolidate them into one ticket and cashout again. I have $67.98, and SWMBO has $38.50. I decide to keep my $68, but SWMBO cashes hers, and then out $5 into a different machine and in just 2 pulls has won $197!! Take the money and run, girl........
Next morning we head for McCarran. Returning the car is fast and easy, as is check in. We are laughing and joking with the checkin clerk when we notice our baggage is 7 Kg overweight. At the next desk, a passenger is being asked for $16 a kilo for his excess baggage. We hold our breath....and get waved through.
Our flight leaves a hour late(we land home 5 minutes early though)
goodbye , Vegas, I love you...... see you again soon!
We had reservations at teh CC Sunday Brunh on our first trip, but didn't go. I don't like seafood can't eat a lot so didn't think it would be worth it. It does sound really tempting though.
A few good wins there too which is always good.
I'm really impressed that you have done such a full trip report so soon after getting back. Jetlag always kills me and I take 10-14 days to recover to the point where I actually feel ill. I swear I'm not going back again, but find I'm checking flight prices a couple of weeks later.
Any plans to go back?

Is the Steakhouse housed in CC ? Is it worth making a reservation ? As it's my partners birthday whilst there I did ask about the Stratosphere restaurant for his special meal and was going to book this, but on hearing about the Steakhouse I'm in 2 minds now.....is it nice enough for a special birthday meal ?
Thanks again for such a great report.
The more Vegas trip reports I read, the more I feel I'd like to go there!
We are planning an overnight to the Grand Canyon too, but have booked the Holiday Inn Express. Did you see that property on your travels? I was wondering what it is like.
thanks for the report .sancho......we too stayed at the circus-circus.annd also had a great time.......not as lucky as you on the tables though.but plenty of comp drinks to help make up for the losses.
Miss Chief: Yes the Steakhouse is within CC. It has just been voted "best Steakhouse in Vegas for the 18th consecutive year, so yes, I'd say it's well worth a visit. You should book for dinner, but you may get in for Sunday brunch without - 9.30, 11.30 or 1.30 sittings.
Pebbles: There's only one road through Tusayan and the Holiday Inn Express is on it, near the Red Feather where we stayed. You can certainly walk to the national Geographic Centre and IMAX from there.
Thanks for the information.
Thanks SP for your report. Brings back memories of our trip to Vegas which now seems a distant memory.
For steak we prefer Mon Ami Gabi (you can get a table on the patio opposite the Bellagio fountains if you're prepared to wait), the Cortez Room at the Gold Coast and Bally's Steakhouse.

great trip report Sancho

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